Mau ikut Tes TOEFL iBT, tapi enggak tahu format dan contoh soal TOEFL iBT itu seperti apa? Kamu berlabuh di artikel yang tepat!
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Format Pertanyaan TOEFL iBT
TOEFL iBT terdiri dari empat bagian: reading, listening, speaking, dan writing.
Ini format lengkapnya:
Bagian | Jumlah | Jumlah Pertanyaan | Durasi | Jenis Pertanyaan |
Reading | 3-4 teks bacaan, masing-masing 700 kata | 10 pertanyaan per teks | 54-72 menit | Factual information, Inference, Vocabulary, Sentence simplification, Insert Text, Prose Summary |
Listening | 3-4 kuliah (3-5 menit per kuliah) dan 2-3 percakapan (sekitar 3 menit per percakapan) | 5-6 pertanyaan per kuliah dan 5 pertanyaan per percakapan. | 41-57 menit | Gist-Content, Detail, Function, Attitude, Organization, Connecting Content, Inference |
Speaking | 4 tugas | – | 17 menit | 1 tugas Independent Speaking dan 3 tugas Integrated Speaking (menggabungkan membaca dan mendengarkan) |
Writing | 2 tugas | – | 50 menit | 1 tugas Integrated Writing (membaca + mendengarkan) dan 1 tugas Independent Writing (menulis esai berdasarkan opini pribadi) |
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Kumpulan Contoh Soal TOEFL iBT
1. Reading
Soal terdiri 3-4 teks bacaan, masing-masing sekitar 700 kata. Setiap bacaan diikuti 10 pertanyaan, sehingga total ada 30-40 pertanyaan.
Waktu total untuk menyelesaikan bagian reading adalah 54-72 menit.
Contoh Soal:
Directions: Read the passage. Give yourself 18 minutes to complete this practice set.
Directions: Answer the question
1.) In paragraph 1, each of the following is mentioned as a feature of the city of Teotihuacán between A.D. 150 and 700 EXCEPT…
- Regularly arranged streets (A)
- Several administrative centers spread across the city (B)
- Many manufacturing workshops (C)
- Apartment complexes (D)
Jawaban: B
Hal ini karena dalam paragraf 1 disebutkan bahwa Teotihuacan memiliki “an administrative center” (sebuah pusat administrasi), bukan “several administrative centers spread across the city” (beberapa pusat administrasi yang tersebar di seluruh kota).
2.) The word “ingenuity” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to…
- Ambition (A)
- Sincerity (B)
- Faith (C)
- Cleverness (D)
Jawaban: D
Dalam konteks paragraf tersebut, “ingenuity” merujuk pada kemampuan untuk menciptakan atau menemukan solusi secara cerdas dan kreatif.
Oleh karena itu, dari pilihan jawaban, “cleverness“ (kepandaian) adalah sinonim paling tepat untuk “ingenuity“.
3.) Which of the following is NOT mentioned in paragraph 2 as a main factor in the development of Teotihuacán?
- The presence of obsidian in the Teotihuacán Valley (A)
- The potential for extensive irrigation of Teotihuacán Valley lands (B)
- A long period of volcanic inactivity in the Teotihuacán Valley (C)
- Teotihuacán’s location on a natural trade route (D)
Jawaban: C
Dalam paragraf 2, “A long period of volcanic inactivity in the Teotihuacán Valley” enggak disebutkan sebagai faktor utama dalam perkembangan Teotihuacán.
Justru, paragraf 2 menyebutkan dampak dari letusan gunung berapi sebagai salah satu faktor yang mungkin berperan.
4.) What can be inferred from paragraph 3 about Cuicuilco prior to 200 B.C.?
- It was a fairly small city until that date (A)
- It was located outside the Valley of Mexico (B)
- It emerged rapidly as an economical and political center (C)
- Its economy relied heavily on agriculture (D)
Jawaban: D
Dalam paragraf 3 disebutkan bahwa letusan gunung berapi menyebabkan sebagian besar lahan pertanian Cuicuilco tertutup lava. Ini menyiratkan Cuicuilco sangat bergantung pada pertanian sebelum 200 SM.
Sumber: ETS Reading Practice Question
Baca Juga Artikel Ini: 5 Tips Persiapan Tes TOEFL iBT, Boost Skor Kamu Sampai 90+!
2. Listening
Kamu akan mendengarkan beberapa rekaman audio, biasanya 2-3 percakapan (masing-masing sekitar 3 menit) dan 3-4 kuliah (masing-masing 3-5 menit).
Total waktu yang diberikan adalah 41-57 menit.
Contoh Soal:
Dengar dan simak soal Passage #1 yang ada di audio pada video ini:
1.) What problem is the student having?
- She is uncomfortable working with Martin and Sarah (A)
- She cannot find anyone to tutor her for the upcoming exam (B)
- She might fail the class if she does not do well on the final (C)
- She is worried about not being able to graduate (D)
Jawaban: C
2.) Why does Carla mention that Sarah is in student government and Martin is on the soccer team?
- To show that other student in the class are not interested in biology either (A)
- To emphasize that they may not have time to help her study (B)
- To show that Martin and Sarah are active in extracurricular activities (C)
- To explain to the professor why she does not get along with those students (D)
Jawaban: B
3.) Why does the student say she is taking this class?
- To fulfill her science requirement (A)
- To challenge herself (B)
- In order to decide if she wants to major in science (C)
- Because she is minoring in biology (D)
Jawaban: A
4.) What does the professor suggest Carla do? Select two!
- Ask other students for help (A)
- Find a Tutor (B)
- Study more in the library (C)
- Do an extra credit assignment (D)
Jawaban: A, B
5.) What is the professor implying when he says that Martin and Sarah “have an excellent grasp on the material”?
- They have a strong grip on their textbooks (A)
- They understand the material well (B)
- They will be good tutors for Carla (C)
- They are the best students in the class (D)
Jawaban: C
Sumber: TST Prep TOEFL
3. Writing
Soal writing terdiri dari dua tugas, yaitu Integrated Writing Task dan Independent Writing Task.
Integrated Writing Task
Pada tugas ini, kamu akan diberikan:
- Teks akademik sepanjang 250-300 kata yang membahas topik tertentu;
- Listening passage atau mendengarkan rekaman percakapan selama 2-3 menit yang menyajikan sudut pandang berbeda atau informasi tambahan terkait topik bacaan.
Nah, tugas kamu adalah merangkum poin-poin dari sesi listening dan menjelaskan bagaimana poin-poin tersebut berhubungan dengan bacaan.
Kamu diberikan waktu selama:
- 3 menit untuk membaca teks;
- 2-3 menit untuk mendengarkan listening passage;
- 20 menit untuk menulis esai (panjang ideal 150-225 kata).
Contoh Soal:
Directions: Give yourself 3 minutes to read the passage
Directions: Read the transcript.
Question: Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they cast doubt on specific points made in the reading passage.
Contoh Jawaban:
The lecture raises several key issues that question the practicality of replacing traditional voting methods with computerized systems.
Firstly, the professor highlights that not everyone is comfortable with computers. Many lack access, are unfamiliar with technology, or find it intimidating. This challenges the reading’s claim that computerized voting simplifies the process through touchscreens, ignoring the digital divide and varying levels of tech literacy.
Secondly, the professor notes that computers, like humans, are prone to errors due to programming flaws. These errors could be more severe than human mistakes, leading to greater vote miscounts or even lost votes. This contradicts the reading’s assertion that human error is the primary concern in vote counting, disregarding the potential for computer-induced inaccuracies and the complexities of recounting digital votes.
Lastly, the reliability of computerized voting systems is still uncertain compared to well-tested systems like online banking. Voting occurs infrequently, and computerized systems have not yet proven their reliability to the same extent. This challenges the reading’s assumption that computerized voting would be as dependable as current technologies.
In summary, the issues of digital literacy, potential computer errors, and unproven reliability highlight why traditional voting methods remain necessary for now.
Independent Writing Task
Kamu akan diberikan pertanyaan atau pernyataan mengenai suatu topik umum.
Dari topik tersebut, kamu harus menulis esai minimal 300 kata untuk memberikan opini dengan contoh-contoh spesifik dan detail.
Waktu untuk menulis esai adalah 30 menit.
Contoh Soal:
In your response you should:
- express and support your opinion;
- make a contribution to the discussion;
- An effective response will contain at least 100 words. You will have 10 minutes to write it.
Contoh Jawaban:
In the past 200 years, numerous scientific and technological advancements have reshaped our world. Among these, vaccines and antibiotics stand out as particularly transformative. Louis Pasteur’s pioneering work in these areas revolutionized medicine and had a profound impact on global health.
Before Pasteur’s discoveries, life was marked by high mortality rates, with many people dying young due to poor living conditions and widespread diseases. Pasteur’s development of vaccines allowed us to combat and, in many cases, eradicate diseases that once claimed millions of lives. His work provided crucial insights into the immune system, showing how our bodies respond to pathogens and how vaccines can train our immune defenses.
The evolution of medicine, spurred by these discoveries, has dramatically improved our quality of life and longevity. Today, people in their 40s are considered relatively young and can expect to live many more years. This is a stark contrast to two centuries ago, when reaching 40 often came with an 80% chance of dying.
The continual advancements in medical science, driven by our curiosity about the human body and its interactions with the environment, ensure that medicine will keep evolving. Pasteur’s contributions have not only extended life expectancy but also enhanced our understanding of health and disease, making them one of the most significant achievements in recent history.
Sumber: ETS Writing Practice
Baca Juga Artikel Ini: 10+ Tips Belajar Bahasa Inggris untuk Pemula, Jangan Lewatkan!
4. Speaking
Bagian Speaking terdiri dari dua bagian, yaitu:
Independent Speaking Tasks
Kamu akan diberikan dua pilihan dan diminta untuk memilih salah satu dan menjelaskan alasan mengapa memilih pilihan tersebut.
Berbicara tentang topik yang diberikan berdasarkan pengalaman dan opini pribadi.
Waktu untuk persiapan adalah 15 detik dan durasi menjawab adalah 45 detik.
Contoh Soal:
Directions: You will now be asked to give your opinion about a familiar topic. Give yourself 15 seconds to prepare your response. Then record yourself speaking for 45 seconds
Some people enjoy taking risks and trying new things. Others are not adventurous; they are cautious and prefer to avoid danger. Which behavior do you think is better? Explain why. |
Preparation Time: 15 seconds
Response Time: 45 seconds
Cara Menjawab:
Untuk menjawab pertanyaan ini, kamu harus menjelaskan pendapatmu tentang lebih baik ambil risiko atau hati-hati. Berikan alasan mengapa kamu pilih itu, bisa pakai contoh dari pengalamanmu sendiri atau orang lain.
I believe that a balanced approach is often best when it comes to risk-taking and caution. Embracing new experiences and taking calculated risks can lead to personal growth and innovation.
For example, trying new activities or pursuing bold career moves can open doors to exciting opportunities and enrich one’s life. However, being overly cautious has its merits as well, particularly in situations where safety and stability are paramount.
For instance, avoiding high-risk investments or dangerous activities helps prevent unnecessary harm and ensures long-term security. Ultimately, the ideal behavior depends on the context and individual goals. A combination of both adventurous and cautious approaches can help one achieve a fulfilling and secure life.
Integrated Speaking Tasks (Passage, Conversation and Question) - Campus Situation
Bagian ini terdiri dari tiga komponen, yaitu reading, listening, dan speaking.
Campus Situation (Passage)
Pertama, kamu harus membaca teks bacaan dan mencatat poin-poin penting dari topik. Waktu membaca 45 menit.
Contoh Soal:
Directions: The university is making a change in the courses it will offer. Read the article from the university newspaper about the change. Give yourself 45 seconds to read the article.
Campus Situation (Conversation)
Setelah membaca, kamu akan mendengarkan percakapan untuk memahami masalah atau situasi yang sedang dibahas.
Contoh Soal:
Directions: Read the transcript
Campus Situation (Question)
Terakhir, kamu akan diberikan pertanyaan yang memintamu untuk merangkum atau menjelaskan poin-poin penting dari percakapan yang berkaitan dengan teks bacaan sebelumnya.
Contoh Soal:
Directions: Give yourself 30 seconds to prepare your response to the following question. Then record yourself speaking for 60 seconds
The woman expresses her opinion of the university’s plan. State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion. |
Preparation Time: 30 seconds
Response Time: 60 seconds
Cara Menjawab:
Untuk menjawab pertanyaan ini, kamu perlu menjelaskan bahwa perempuan tersebut enggak setuju dengan rencana universitas untuk menghapus kelas patung. Dia merasa ini adalah kerugian besar.
Jelaskan juga dua alasannya. Pertama, mahasiswa seni sibuk dan enggak bisa mengambil kelas patung yang opsional.
Kedua, universitas bisa menggunakan Profesor paruh waktu atau profesor dengan keahlian lain untuk mengajar. Jadi, enggak perlu khawatir soal anggaran.
Pastikan jawabanmu mudah dimengerti, bahasanya bagus, dan jelas.
The woman strongly opposes the university’s decision to cut the sculpture courses. She argues that this move is a major setback for the art department.
Firstly, she points out that art majors already face a heavy course load, leaving them with little opportunity to enroll in optional sculpture classes despite their interest. This high demand for core courses is a more likely reason for low enrollment, rather than a lack of student enthusiasm.
Secondly, she challenges the university’s claim that a full-time Professor is necessary. She believes this issue could be addressed by hiring a part-time instructor or utilizing a Professor with sculpture expertise as a secondary field. This would resolve the budget concerns while keeping the program alive.
Sumber: ETS Speaking Practice
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Kamu bisa tanya-tanya dan belajar materi TOEFL iBT All Skills dan ikut prediction test biar lebih siap menghadapi tes yang sebenarnya.
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Cuss pilih kelas sesuai kebutuhanmu! Kalau masih bimbang, bisa tanya-tanya dulu sama MinBi!
Sekarang, kamu udah tahu ‘kan format dan contoh soal TOEFL iBT? Nah, selain dari artikel ini, kamu juga bisa mengakses soal-soal lainnya di situs resmi Educational Testing Service.
Jangan lupa latihan rutin, ya! Dengan begitu, kamu pasti bisa menaklukan semua soal. Semoga berhasil, SoBi!