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6 Contoh Essay Beasiswa LPDP, AAS, dan GKS untuk di 2025!

Dokumen essay beasiswa kamu masih blank? Yuk, cek 6 contoh essay beasiswa langsung dari Awardee LPDP, AAS, dan GKS yang bisa jadi inspirasi!


kobi education-contoh essay beasiswa-gambar perempuan sedang belajat dengan sangat serius di jam tiga sore

Salah satu komponen paling penting dalam proses seleksi beasiswa adalah essay. Banyak beasiswa, seperti LPDP, AAS (Australia Awards Scholarship), dan GKS (Global Korea Scholarship) yang menjadikan essay sebagai syarat wajib mereka.


Nah, tapi ternyata masih banyak yang merasa kesulitan memulai, enggak pede menyusun kata-kata, dan bingung harus menuliskan informasi apa aja di dalam essay


Padahal, essay adalah peluang penyeleksi beasiswa untuk mengenal kamu lebih dalam dan melihat apakah kamu adalah kandidat yang cocok untuk program beasiswa yang ditawarkan atau enggak.


Tapi tenang, banyak Awardee yang sering berbagi tips, bahkan menunjukkan esai yang pernah mereka buat sebagai contoh essay beasiswanya, kok. Dengan membaca contoh-contoh ini, kamu bisa belajar bagaimana mereka membuat essay yang standout.


Eits… tapi ingat, SoB! Cukup jadikan esai tersebut sebagai referensi aja, ya. Mau semirip apapun pola yang esaimu dengan Awardee enggak menjamin bakal auto lolos. Justru, kalau ketahuan plagiat bisa-bisa bikin kamu auto ditolak, lho. Kuncinya, be yourself.


Enggak usah terlalu lama basa-basi, yuk, simak beberapa contoh essay beasiswa yang berhasil tembus scholarship hits favorit orang Indonesia.

Apa Itu Beasiswa LPDP? Dan Gimana Contoh Essay-nya?

Beasiswa LPDP adalah program beasiswa fully funded yang udah ada sejak 2012. Sampai sekarang, udah ada puluhan ribu Awardee yang berhasil kuliah di universitas top dalam negeri maupun luar negeri berkat beasiswa ini.


Kalau kamu punya rencana daftar LPDP di 2025, yuk mulai persiapan dari sekarang! Soalnya, berdasarkan timeline tahun lalu, pendaftaran Tahap 1 bakal dibuka Januari–Februari tahun depan dan Tahap 2 akan buka di bulan Juni–Juli.


Salah satu hal penting yang perlu kamu siapin adalah essay. Dulu, kamu diminta bikin dua essay, yaitu personal statement plus esai kontribusi. Tapi sekarang, personal statement udah berubah jadi pertanyaan yang kamu jawab langsung di formulir aplikasi.


Biar makin siap, MinBi mau kasih contoh essay Beasiswa LPDP tentang rencana kontribusi buat Indonesia yang udah di share sama awardee-nya!

Contoh Essay Beasiswa LPDP

Mungkin kamu masih bertanya-tanya, “Apa aja sih yang harus ditulis di esai-nya?” Nah, tenang aja, SoB! LPDP ini enggak memberikan struktur baku atau daftar pertanyaan spesifik yang harus kamu jawab seperti beasiswa lainnya.


Tapi, kamu bisa banget pakai contoh alur ini:

    • Perkenalan: di bagian ini, ceritakan profil dirimu secara singkat. Setelah itu, lanjut ke latar belakang. Bagikan perjalanan karirmu, pencapaian, atau penghargaan yang pernah kamu raih;
    • Rencana Studi: Pada bagian ini, jelaskan kenapa kamu memilih bidang studi dan universitas yang kamu tuju. Misalnya, hubungkan dengan isu-isu yang sedang jadi perhatian di Indonesia. Apa alasan di balik pilihanmu dan bagaimana studi ini bisa jadi solusinya.
    • Rencana Pasca Studi dan Kontribusi untuk Indonesia: Nah, terakhir, jelaskan rencana jangka pendek dan jangka panjangmu setelah lulus, serta kontribusi apa yang akan kamu berikan setelah kembali ke Indonesia.


Supaya lebih terbayang, yuk lihat dua contoh essay beasiswa LPDP yang udah ditulis sama yang berhasil jadi Awardee-nya!

1. Contoh Esai Kontribusi LPDP 1

“Paving The Road Towards Better Literacy Education in Indonesia through Children’s Literature”


“Books can be the best thing that happens in children’s lives.” That is the best phrase to illustrate my childhood experience, which was full of precious memories with books and inspired me to spread the same enjoyment to Indonesian children. My name is Ahliana Affiati Sani (Afi). Thanks to my parents, I was born and raised in Bandung as an avid reader of children’s books, newspapers, and the famous “Bobo” magazine. They always supported my interest in books, so I could always find happiness whenever I read. This experience has nurtured the love of reading that made me win several “Synopsis Competitions”, which involved reading, writing, and storytelling skills from the regional to national level during elementary grade. All praise to Allah, I continued to perform well in school until I graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Biology from Institut Teknologi Bandung with a GPA of 3.52 and was awarded Cum Laude in 2011.


Four years later, my interest in children’s literature and literacies rose significantly after I got a chance to live in London for a year due to my husband’s postgraduate studies. Before moving to London, I struggled to find engaging and appropriate children’s books for my son in Indonesia, especially books with Islamic themes. Surprisingly, I could easily find many excellent and affordable children’s books for general and Islamic themes in the UK. I was also impressed by how children’s libraries are available throughout the country and always full of children engaged in enjoyable literacy activities. These experiences inspired me to create a similar environment in Indonesia, particularly for Muslim communities. Hence, I founded Little Tree Library (LTL) in June 2016, an online book store specializing in curating Islamic books for young readers and fostering early literacy skills through campaigns, webinars, book reviews, and several “Author’s Talks” with world-renowned Muslim authors. My long-term goal for LTL is to be an organisation that contributes to the rise of Islamic children’s books quality in Indonesia.


After the birth of my second son, I participated in the “Training of Trainer Read Aloud” in October 2019, which made me love children’s literature and literacies even more. Months later, I co-founded the Tangerang Read Aloud (TRA) community to empower parents and educators in the Tangerang Raya in nurturing the love of reading in young people. Since then, I have been involved in several voluntary works, such as reviewing children’s books published by Indonesia’s Ministry of Education and Culture (MoEC), conducting field tests to observe children’s responses to newly published children’s books by Grow The Seed (publishing company), and volunteering at a literacy campaign through “The 3rd Indonesia World Read Aloud Day 2022” held by Indonesia Read Aloud Community. When I indulged myself in these activities, I learned that there are similarities among the creators of outstanding and engaging children’s literature: they positioned children as the main subject of their stories and paid much attention to the details of literary elements (character, plot, setting, conflict, and theme). So, their books could provide proper representations of the characters’ diversity, show childhood experiences related to the reader, and boost children’s imagination by opening the door toward new horizons. As a result, through my experiences as a storyteller and guest teacher, these books successfully encouraged young readers to enjoy reading and promoted their language and literacy skills.


However, in Indonesia, there is still a lack of children’s books that fulfill the above mentioned criteria and can promote higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) and attract children to read for pleasure, which are crucial factors in shaping Indonesian children as lifelong readers. The ability to perform HOTS is intensely related to reading comprehension, which has become the central issue in literacy acquisition in Indonesia (INOVASI, 2020). It was worsened by the learning loss caused by the COVID-19 pandemic among Indonesian students. The recent findings indicated that most Indonesian students are not achieving basic literacy skills (reading and writing) by Grade 3 (INOVASI, 2021), which resulted in an emergency curriculum as the government’s immediate response. However, to solve these issues in the long term, there should be continuous reinforcement of reading interest in young readers as their interest in reading strongly correlates with the learning assessment scores on the basic literacy test (INOVASI, 2020). Numerous studies have proven that reading interest can be ignited by providing engaging children’s literature.


Unfortunately, the children’s books circulated in Indonesia, especially fiction, are still dominated by didactic literature full of explicit educational content with less humor. Their messages are mainly conveyed through preachy narration, with poorly developed literary elements. Meanwhile, the latter plays a vital role in improving reading comprehension (Budiono, 2010). Children’s literature should put children’s point of view at the center of the story, make them see themselves represented, and show active involvement of the children’s characters in solving the problem within the story (Nurgiyantoro, 2019), which is called child-centered literature. However, most adult characters in these didactic books are usually portrayed as superior characters who dictate what children should do or what adults expect them to be rather than respecting them as human beings with their own thoughts, backgrounds, uniqueness, competence, and curiosity. Of course, there is nothing wrong with moral lessons in children’s books. Nevertheless, not all children look for moral lessons when they read. Sometimes they read to entertain themselves by enjoying the story and its literary elements. As Lukens stated in Nurgiyantoro (2019), whatever aspects of the content are offered in literary works, the purpose of providing comfort and entertainment for the reader must not be diminished.


Furthermore, due to the habit of reading many didactic books, most adults only focus on delivering moral lessons without respecting children’s responses to texts. This is unfortunate because children’s thoughts and responses to literary works show how they construct meaning, boosting their learning abilities. A Programme of International Student Assessment (PISA) 2018 survey shows that Indonesian students whose teachers applied various strategies to promote reading comprehension after reading books or language learning gain higher assessment scores for math and science (MoECRT, 2017). These findings showed that how adults guide children in perceiving children’s literature is as important as the quality of the literature itself and helps them build critical thinking skills that are beneficial for the learning process.


To solve these problems, we need more child-centered children’s literature to create a balance against the abundance of didactic ones in Indonesia, so our children are exposed to various high-quality texts and have a greater chance of finding texts that match their interests. Moreover, we must consistently develop children’s literature on extensive topics with accurate representations of the childhood lives and the beauty of diverse characters of Indonesian children. Improving pedagogical strategies to help children comprehend literature is also significant so that children will be more enthusiastic about reading. Hence, Indonesia needs more experts and scholars in this field who will collaborate with other stakeholders. I believe that all my experiences and the vast networking I have built for more than two years in this field are valuable assets to contribute to Indonesia. However, there is a huge disparity between my current interest and my latest academic qualification, so I want to study at Children’s Literature & Literacies MEd, University of Glasgow, UK, to be part of the solution. Throughout its courses, this study program provides the opportunity to learn about the texts for children, their production, and how children’s literature can be used to foster literacy development. I am interested in learning how to examine and solve issues on representation and inclusion in Indonesian fictional children’s literature and how to build strategies in providing evidence-based recommendations to the authors and publishers, which are the expertise of Dr. Melanie All the precious memories with books during my childhood made me dream of seeing Indonesian children surrounded by high-quality literature that cherishes their culture and strengthens their identity, which will empower them to become lifelong learners through the love of reading. Reading and writing skills are the basic literacy skills that should be mastered first before acquiring the others in the multiliteracies perspective (MoEC, 2017). That is why fostering basic literacy skills among Indonesia’s future leaders is critical towards the vision of Indonesia Emas 2045.


To achieve this dream, I aspire to be a researcher, professional, and educator in children’s literature and literacies. Upon returning to Indonesia for the first year, I will continue my role in the TRA Community by writing books or practical guidance and educating teachers, librarians, and parents about practical and pedagogical strategies for helping children read, enjoy, and understand children’s literature. For the next five years, I want to be involved in literacy projects managed by institutions or NGOs to improve children’s book quality and literacy activities in schools and libraries, such as Litara Foundation, Provisi Education, or Indonesia’s MoECRT.


Sumber: Ahliana Afifati Sani (Awardee LPDP 2022)

2. Contoh Esai Kontribusi LPDP 2

“Komnas Perlindungan Anak Indonesia (KPAI) mencatat, sejak 2020 hingga Juni 2021, sebanyak 212 kasus pembuangan bayi yang terlaporkan. Ketua KPAI, Arist Merdeka Sirait, mengatakan, dari jumlah tersebut, 80 persen bayi yang dibuang ditemukan dalam kondisi tak bernyawa.


‘Lebih dominan hampir 80 persen itu meninggal. Hanya 20 persen saja yang bernasib baik, sekalipun dikerumuni lalat, semut, dan sebagainya.’


‘Yang ditemukan di bak sampah, pembuangan sampah, di kardus, masih dalam kondisi hidup, tapi selebihnya meninggal dunia,’ sambungnya.” (source)


Saya adalah satu dari jutaan anak Indonesia yang beruntung karena diadopsi oleh kedua orang tua saya ketika saya masih dalam kandungan. Saat ini, setelah menyelesaikan pendidikan S1 Sistem Informasi saya lima tahun lalu di Universitas Gunadarma, sudah hampir 3 tahun saya bekerja sebagai seorang Product Manager …… [penjelasan lebih lanjut tentang pekerjaan yang sedang dijalani di blur].


Menerima karunia dan kebahagiaan yang sedemikian rupa sejak sebelum saya lahir ke dunia ini membuat saya berpikir untuk bisa membantu orang-orang di sekitar saya yang memiliki nasib serupa dengan saya, orang tua kandung saya, ataupun orang tua angkat saya; terutama anak-anak yang dibuang dan ditelantarkan oleh orang tuanya. Sebagaimana dituliskan dalam Undang-Undang No 23 Tahun 2002 tentang Perlindungan Anak, bahwa setiap anak berhak untuk dapat hidup, tumbuh, berkembang, dan berpartisipasi secara wajar sesuai dengan harkat dan martabat kemanusiaan, serta mendapat perlindungan dari kekerasan dan diskriminasi. Juga sebagaimana yang tertuang dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2009 tentang Kesejahteraan Sosial adalah kondisi terpenuhinya kebutuhan material, spiritual, dan sosial warga negara agar dapat hidup layak dan mampu mengembangkan diri, sehingga dapat melaksanakan fungsi sosialnya.


Setelah menyelesaikan studi magister, saya berkomitmen untuk kembali ke daerah asal saya, dan bergabung dengan Kementerian Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak …… [penjelasan lebih lanjut di blur].


Demi bisa berkontribusi lebih baik lagi untuk Indonesia Emas 2045, saya hendak memperoleh pengetahuan, keterampilan, serta kualifikasi lebih lanjut yang dapat memajukan karir dan keahlian saya di bidang computer science, khususnya di bidang sistem informasi dan informatika. Karena alasan itulah saya akhirnya memantapkan diri mengambil keputusan untuk menempuh pendidikan magister.


Namun, tidak hanya itu. Tujuan lain saya memperluas pengetahuan serta memperdalam keterampilan adalah agar saya bisa mengeksplorasi berbagai teknologi dan metode baru karena di bidang saya, computer science, hal-hal tersebut sangatlah dinamis. Semuanya berkembang begitu pesat. Hanya dalam lima tahun saja, sejak saya lulus sarjana hingga sekarang, saya yakin sudah ada banyak sekali perubahan dalam hal teknologi dan metode baru mengenai pemecahan masalah. Dan saya percaya, semua pengetahuan yang mendalam tersebut bisa saya dapatkan dengan menempuh studi magister.


Karena memiliki cita-cita untuk berkarir serta mengabdi pada negeri, saya melihat beberapa hal mendasar yang, saya rasa, hanya bisa didapat jika saya bersekolah di sini. Bersekolah di dalam negeri akan membawa saya beberapa langkah lebih jauh. Hal tersebut akan menyiapkan saya dengan pembahasan masalah praktikal yang lebih familiar dijumpai di daerah lingkungan pekerjaan, tempat kelak saya akan mengabdi.


Bersekolah di dalam negeri juga akan menghubungkan saya dengan koneksi yang lebih relevan. Saya akan berjumpa dengan teman-teman satu visi yang boleh jadi akan menjadi partner saya esok hari. Saya juga akan dipertemukan dengan para akademisi hebat dari dalam negeri yang memiliki keahlian di bidangnya masing-masing. Dengan begitu, kesempatan saya untuk memiliki akses pasca studi semakin terbuka lebar dengan bersekolah di dalam negeri.


Program Magister Informatika yang akan saya pilih dari sembilan opsi program yang ditawarkan ITB adalah Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak dan Inovasi (Software Engineering and Innovation). Struktur kurikulumnya terdiri dari 36 SKS yang terdiri dari mata kuliah wajib prodi (15 SKS) dan mata kuliah wajib pilihan (12 sampai dengan 20 SKS) yang akan saya selesaikan dalam masa belajar dua tahun.


Universitas pilihan kedua saya adalah Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM).


Saya memilih Universitas Gadjah Mada adalah lantaran statusnya yang merupakan salah satu universitas terbaik di Indonesia. Banyak sekali lulusannya yang menjadi tokoh-tokoh…… [informasi di-blur].


Saya ingin membangun negeri ini dan melindungi anak-anak bangsa dan menjamin mereka mendapatkan pengasuhan, pengasihan, dan pengasahan yang baik. Karena dari situ mereka bisa tumbuh menjadi individu yang bermanfaat bagi sekitarnya dan yang terpenting untuk dirinya sendiri. Maka dari itu, saya memilih untuk mendaftarkan diri sebagai calon penerima Program Magister Dalam Negeri Beasiswa Penyandang Disabilitas 2022.


Sumber: It’s Dita (Awardee LPDP 2023)

FAQ Esai Beasiswa LPDP

1. Apakah Esai Beasiswa LPDP Luar Negeri Harus Menggunakan Bahasa Inggris?

Enggak, ya, SoB. Walaupun kamu daftar LPDP untuk kuliah di luar negeri, LPDP enggak mewajibkan kamu untuk menulis esai dalam Bahasa Inggris. Yang penting, ide-ide di dalamnya tersampaikan dengan baik.


Namun, penggunaan Bahasa Inggris untuk esai beasiswamu bisa jadi nilai plus di mata penyeleksi, SoB. Karena kamu jadi bisa menunjukkan kesiapanmu untuk kuliah di luar negeri dengan skill bahasa Inggris yang mumpuni.

2. Menulis Esai LPDP Itu Harus Confident atau Humble?

Kamu harus confident atau percaya diri,  SoB. Justru di esai inilah kesempatan kamu buat nunjukkin kelebihan, visi serta misi, dan prestasi kamu. Tapi make sure untuk enggak terlalu bragging (sombong) juga, ya!

3. Apakah Esai LPDP Harus Panjang?

Esai LPDP kamu harus mencapai minimal 1.500 kata dan maksimal 2.000 kata, ya, SoB. Jadi jangan terlalu panjang juga. Usahakan untuk menyampaikan poin-poin kamu secara efektif, menarik, namun tetap detail juga.

Supaya esai kamu bisa lebih standout dan bebas dari grammar error, kamu bisa manfaatin layanan Proofreading Kobi!

Enggak cuma grammar yang dicek, tapi juga strukturnya bakal disesuaikan biar lebih rapi. Plus, kamu bakal dapet powerful suggestions untuk memperkuat isi esai kamu, jadi lebih meyakinkan dan sesuai dengan standar beasiswa yang kamu tuju.

Penasaran proses proofread and revisinya gimana? Kepoin dulu detailnya, yuk!

Beasiswa AAS (Australia Awards Scholarship) Itu Apa? Ini Penjelasan dan Contoh Essay-nya!

Buat yang tertarik buat melanjutkan Studi S2 atau S3 ke Australia, wajib tau beasiswa satu ini, nih. Yap, Australia Awards Scholarship atau akrab dikenal sebagai beasiswa AAS!


Beasiswa ini biasanya dibuka di awal bulan Februari dan menutup pendaftaran di bulan April. Wah, artinya udah waktunya kamu buat persiapan, ya, SoB!


Persiapanmu benar-benar harus matang, karena peminat beasiswa ini setiap tahunnya banyak banget. Wajar aja, karena Beasiswa AAS ini fully funded, enggak punya batasan usia, enggak ada syarat dapat LoA dulu, dan bahkan bisa pakai TOEFL ITP, lho!


Selain biaya kuliah dan hidup, beasiswa ini juga kasih banyak manfaat, lho! Ada juga dukungan belajar Bahasa Inggris, kegiatan pengembangan profesional, dan networking yang penting banget buat kariermu.


Nah, biar bisa dapet semua benefit-nya, yuk mulai persiapkan dari sekarang, termasuk siapin esai buat beasiswa AAS-mu! 

Contoh Essay Beasiswa AAS

Ada empat pertanyaan yang harus kamu jawab di esai beasiswa AAS. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini bakal bantu kamu nunjukin siapa dirimu, rencana studimu, dan gimana kamu bakal berkontribusi buat Indonesia.


Ini dia list pertanyaannya:

    • How did you choose your proposed course institution?
    • How will the proposed study contribute to your career?
    • How have you contributed to solving a challenge and to implementing change or reform?
    • Give up to 3 practical examples of how you intend to use the knowledge, skills, and connection you will gain from your scholarship on your return to indonesia. Possible tasks can be personal and/or professional;
    • List of any possible constraints you think may prevent you from achieving these tasks.


Nah, keempat pertanyaan itu harus kamu jawab dalam maksimal 2.000 kata, SoB. Possible? Tentu bisa, dong! Yuk, cek dua contoh esai Beasiswa AAS ini buat dapetin gambaran jelasnya!

1. Contoh Esai AAS 1

There are 4 points which motivate me to apply for this course:

    • My country needs someone with expertise of understanding in formulating policy in public health, especially in medical devices and pharmaceutical aspect.
    • Dynamic socioeconomic condition as a result of Indonesia Universal Health Coverage (JKN), for example, the change on health expenditure pattern and rapid development on medical devices that demand our directorate to keep updated and provide an applicable and relevant policy to answer the changes.
    • Be an inspiring young leader that could motivate colleagues in the organization to achieve the goals in setting up public health policy in medical devices and pharmaceutical together. The more people who involve actively in the policy, the faster our directorate could make Indonesians understand on how to use medical devices correctly.
    • Extend my knowledge about international public health in Australia and many other countries that I could adapt in my country and networking with international public health experts whom I could exchange and discuss my ideas with.


This Master of Public Health program will enrich and broaden my knowledge with burning motivation to contribute greatly to the programs we run within our directorate once I get back to my country. With a combination of knowledge obtained from this program and continuous on-the-job experiences, I believe I will become the expert and have a strong basis in public health, particularly in medical devices that sit on a higher position as Head of Section for Medical Devices Evaluation, then as Head of Subdirectorate for Medical Devices Evaluation and Development, to finally become what I dream of: Director General of Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices in Ministry of Health. My dream position allows me to lead, direct the organization based on Minister of Health’s instruction, create strategy, and decide which program our directorate should focus on for the sake of improving Indonesia’s awareness on public health and policy.


We run education program on Medical Devices Usage and Safety for healthcare professionals & industries across Indonesia, initially participated by 10 provinces. My team was assigned to increase the number of participants & improve the quality of the program. To tackle this, I applied my skill on project management, leadership, & knowledge on medical devices safety use and regulation. I offered the idea to the team to search for the root cause, analyze the gap & challenges of current program. In this stage, I led the discussion with Head of Section as my line manager, Head of Subdirectorate, and Director of Medical Device Evaluation as the upper management to validate the assessment and finding. After aligning with team about our objective: educating as many as possible provinces about correct understanding and safety use of medical devices in applicable ways, I helped the team to design new framework. I eliminated less irrelevant contents and incorporated new ones such as regulation medical devices information update and how it helps their job easier in such a simple yet understandable way to be implemented to community.


I also created a training pack such as a dummy & catalog of local medical devices to introduce them about our local product, updates from international trainings/forums to keep them updated about medical devices technology development in the world, and also interactive quizzes. After it is finalized and approved by above-said stakeholders, our director presented the framework to all province representatives. The result was fantastic: 30 provinces wanted to have the program run for healthcare professionals, health institutions, and industries in their areas. I also took part in the program by becoming one of the speakers there. Using my communication skills, I delivered the presentation in an attractive and lively discussion. The responses were amazing; they felt this program gave better understanding and clarified misperceptions on medical devices.

    • I will apply it to:
        • Create a robust education system of policy we implement for people in area by optimizing our current resources. Since there is still a gap of understanding of health professionals, industries, and institutions as front liners in areas about public health policy on medical devices, I believe by educating them will significantly improve the quality & safety of medical devices that patients use.
        • Build data management system tailored to our directorate’s need in organized, easily accessible & user-friendly way. This will help our team & stakeholders to pull out necessary documents faster during tracking, in any case of adverse events, and analysis for further strategy.
        • My involvement in health organizations outside MoH such as Halo Pharmacists Indonesia, Indonesian Young Pharmacist Group, ‘Medication’ Inter-healthcare-professionals group, and Indonesian Pharmacists Association will help me to disseminate my knowledge about public health to my fellow pharmacist and other healthcare professionals, as well as motivate them to proactively involve in improving quality and safety of medical devices for patients.
    • The constraints:
        • Hierarchy
          The system in organizations sometimes becomes a challenge in escalating ideas, innovation, and even to challenge the status quo itself. But I believe with my stakeholder management, work across boundaries, and influencing skills, this challenge can be tackled, and I get the buy-in from them.
        • Limited resources
          Limited resources such as budget, time, and human resources that are split into various kinds of initiatives run in our directorate. To tackle this, I will determine the most prioritized programs and collaborate with other functions and projects.
        • Different perspective
          Not all peers are on the same page with me about how I envision the impact of our directorate toward society. To overcome this, I will use my influencing and communication skills to align and convince them about the importance of their involvement for the directorate and themselves.


Sumber: Fikriansyah Bin Irman (Awardee AAS 2020)

2. Contoh Esai AAS 2

Viruses are a significant health problem both in Indonesia and the world. HIV-AIDS, COVID-19, MERS, and SARS are infectious diseases that have shocked the world’s health system. Handling of infectious diseases caused by viruses must compete with the speed of virus mutation as well as the virus resistance to the existing antiretrovirals.


This phenomenon requires scientists in the field of drug discovery to find drug compounds that actively inhibit virus replication from both natural and synthetic materials. As a lecturer and researcher, I plan to pursue my doctoral education in pharmaceutical science specified in drug discovery for infectious diseases from natural products. I want to conduct research on the discovery of anti-Human Immunodeficiency Virus (anti-HIV) drugs from marine natural products. My research will deliver crude natural products from the oceans to a laboratory scale which will then help to cure people living with HIV.


Griffith University has a special department called the Griffith Institute for Drug Discovery (GRIDD). There is a field of infectious disease research that is in line with my scientific concern. In addition, Griffith also has a Nature Bank which stores rich biodiversity collections, including products of marine nature, allowing me to be closer to my goal of becoming an expert in the field of drug discovery from products of marine nature. The University of Queensland has a Molecular Biodiscovery research group in which there is a research area on the development of new drugs for infectious diseases. In this research group, there are also several professors who are concerned with the development of drugs from marine natural products. Both GRIDD and UQ provide world-class laboratory facilities for conducting research. Doing research at GRIDD and UQ, as well as getting supervision from potential professors, will hone my knowledge and skills in drug discovery from marine natural products for infectious diseases.


I have been interested in drug discovery from natural products since I was in my bachelor’s education, and this continued when I did my master’s degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences. When I became a lecturer, I decided to be a lecturer in the Department of Phytochemistry and Pharmacognosy, which is a specification of natural science in the pharmaceutical major. I continued to do research in the field of discovery of natural medicines and have produced several publications as well.


I made these efforts to realize my biggest goal in the future, i.e., becoming a professor in drug discovery for infectious diseases. The Ph.D. program is one of the stages that I should pass to achieve my career ladder as a professor. Being accepted to conduct a doctoral degree in drug discovery for infectious diseases from products of marine nature will allow me to become a professor in this field. I need advanced knowledge from the professors that I will meet in the doctoral degree. I will be trained to write epic and globally impactful scientific articles that will be invaluable for my career as a lecturer and researcher. Also, doing research in my Ph.D. program, I will learn to do research with world-class laboratory systems and facilities, which I can refer to when building a similar department in my working place.


Being an agent of change is my life goal. I carried out several change movements as a form of my contribution to my country. Education and health are my main concerns. Being a lecturer is one of my ways to make changes. I am currently working as a lecturer at the University of Muhammadiyah Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara, a province in Eastern Indonesia. There is a big challenge in becoming a lecturer in this province because it is still underdeveloped. Educating the students at this institution means being the best role model for them.


Academically, I increase my knowledge by attending scientific seminars and workshops regularly. I strive to be a good researcher by publishing my research articles in international journals so my research could bring a global impact. Meanwhile, non-academically, I sharpen my leadership skills by participating in various organizations and non-profit volunteering activities such as Turun Tangan, Kelas Negarawan Muda, and Kelas Inspirasi since 2015. In the health sector, I am a member of the Indonesian Pharmacists Association. I provide a pharmacy practice in a pharmacy that I founded in the city of Mataram in 2020. This pharmacy provides not only health services but also health education for the surrounding community.


a) After years of studying overseas, I will gain deeper knowledge, improved skills, and wider connections. The knowledge, skills, and connections will be very impactful for my students, institution, and organizations. For my short-term plan, I will return to teach and inspire my students with my experiences during my studies and conduct research on anti-HIV drugs from marine natural products. For my medium-term plan, I will continue to collaborate with my supervisors and other researchers in Australia as a step to generate a database on anti-HIV from marine natural products. This database will be very beneficial for the development of anti-HIV drugs. For my long-term plan, I will establish the Department of Drug Discovery from Marine Natural Products at my college. This Department will be the spearhead for developing marine natural medicines in West Nusa Tenggara. I will collaborate with various agencies that focus on developing marine natural medicines such as the National Research and Innovation Agency and also the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia.


b) Establishing a department that focuses on drug discovery from marine natural products, there are certain challenges that I will face. The biggest challenge is funding. As a private institution in an underdeveloped area, it is not easy for my institution to spend a large amount of money on the development of the department. This department requires advanced instruments which are very expensive. I need a bigger external grant to get this department established. The second challenge is human resources. In West Nusa Tenggara, there are still not many experts in the discovery of marine natural medicines as well as competent personnel to operate advanced instruments.


Sumber: Alvi Kusuma Wardani (Awardee AAS 2023)

Itu dia contoh essay beasiswa AAS yang bisa jadi inspirasi kamu. Nah, kalau diperhatikan, kemampuan bahasa Inggris ternyata punya peran penting banget, ya, SoB.


Enggak cuma buat nulis esai beasiswa yang rapi dan menarik, tapi juga buat ngadepin tes kemampuan Bahasa Inggris seperti IELTS, yang jadi salah satu syarat utama untuk daftar beasiswa dan universitas luar negeri.


Kalau kamu masih ragu dan merasa belum siap buat ambil Tes IELTS, jangan khawatir! Kamu bisa mempersiapkan diri dengan ikut Kelas IELTS Private Kobi!


Dengan bimbingan intensif 1-on-1 bersama Expert Tutor, kamu bakal kupas tuntas All Skill IELTS. Plus, kamu juga bakal dapetin personalized feedback yang bikin kamu lebih siap dan pede buat nge-boost skor IELTS-mu!


Jadwalnya juga fleksibel dan bisa disesuaikan sama free time kamu, lho! Penasaran sama kurikulum dan gimana cara nentuin jadwalnya belajarnya nanti? Yuk tanya-tanya dulu aja sama MinBi di sini!

FAQ Esai Beasiswa AAS

1. Apakah Esai AAS Harus Ditulis Dalam Bahasa Inggris?

Yap, esai AAS harus ditulis dalam Bahasa Inggris, ya, SoB. Jadi pastikan ditulis dengan baik dan rapi, ya!

2. Apakah Ada Batasan Panjang Kata Untuk Esai AAS?

Maksimal kata untuk beasiswa AAS itu ada di 2.000 kata, ya, SoB. Jadi usahakan semua pertanyaannya kamu jawab secara efektif tanpa melebihi word limit-nya.

3. Apakah Ada Format Tertentu Yang Perlu Diikuti?

Enggak ada, ya, SoB. Yang penting kamu menjawab semua pertanyaan yang diberikan untuk menyusun esaimu.

Penasaran Sama Beasiswa GKS (Global Korea Scholarship)? Ini Informasi dan Contoh Essay-nya!

Global Korea Scholarship atau Beasiswa GKS adalah salah satu program beasiswa bergengsi dari pemerintah Korea Selatan yang setiap tahunnya enggak pernah sepi peminat.


Biasanya, pendaftarannya dibuka sekitar Februari hingga Maret, jadi kamu seharusnya udah mulai persiapan, nih, SoB!


Beasiswa ini punya dua jalur pendaftaran, yaitu Embassy Track, kalau kamu daftar lewat Kedutaan Besar Korea di Indonesia, dan University Track untuk daftar langsung ke universitas mitra GKS.


Banyak yang mengincar beasiswa ini karena enggak cuma membiayai kuliah secara penuh, GKS juga menanggung kebutuhan biaya hidup dan kursus bahasa Korea selama setahun, lho.


Selain itu, kamu juga punya kesempatan memperluas jaringan internasional sambil menikmati pengalaman pertukaran budaya langsung di Korea!

Contoh Essay Beasiswa GKS

Kalau kamu mau daftar Beasiswa GKS, ada dua esai yang harus disiapkan, yaitu personal statement dan study plan.


Melalui personal statement kamu bakal cerita tentang dirimu. Jelaskan motivasimu ikut program ini, latar belakang pendidikan, pengalaman penting yang berpengaruh, penghargaan atau keahlian yang kamu punya, dan kegiatan lain yang relevan sama studimu.


Untuk study plan, kamu perlu menjelaskan tiga hal utama. Pertama, Language Study Plan, yaitu rencana belajar Bahasa Korea sebelum dan sesudah tiba di Korea, termasuk target TOPIK yang ingin dicapai.


Kedua, goals of study and study plan, di mana kamu menjelaskan tujuan belajarmu, alasan memilih jurusan tujuanmu, serta rencana detail tentang studi atau riset yang akan kamu lakukan.


Terakhir, kamu juga harus menjelaskan Future Plan After Study, yang membahas rencanamu setelah lulus, baik jangka pendek maupun panjang, dan bagaimana kamu akan menggunakan ilmu serta pengalamanmu untuk berkontribusi ke Indonesia.


Perlu gambaran bentuknya gimana? Yuk, lihat dua contoh esai Beasiswa GKS dari Awardee-nya langsung!

1. Contoh Personal Statement GKS

Good day. I am Justin Van C. Rivera, a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration graduate from the University of Asia & the Pacific (UA&P). Ever since I was a child, I enjoy seeking answers to my “whats” and “whys.” The exhilarating feeling of knowing new things and finding unique solutions to my questions drove my childhood and continuously inspire me, up until now, to pursue higher learning. Education, for me, is a ticket for a better future, and coming from a low-income lineage, I have to be persistent and creative in seeking opportunities to pursue my passion for education and know more about the field I am interested in – Business.

For my undergraduate studies, I was fortunate to receive a full scholarship from UA&P and financial assistance from the local government under the Rizal College Scholarship Program (RCSP). These opportunities allowed me to pursue my passion for business and immerse myself in the different facets comprising it. Learning the opportunity-creating potential of an enterprise, as well as its capacity to be a catalyst for societal change, inspired me to deepen my understanding of businesses and its intricacies. This renewed interest has been the driving force on my pursuit of graduate studies.

As a preparatory step, as well as to gain an insider’s perspective on the operations and functions, I looked for job opportunities after completing my degree in 2017. I initially landed on a Sales Apprentice position at Hilti Philippines, Inc. The 10-month Sales Apprenticeship training greatly improved my communication skills as well as adaptability in dealing with a diverse set of customers. As the primary point of interaction between the company and the clients, I learned the value of integrity, accountability, and honesty, especially in dealings and selling. Following this, I got accepted to the top telecommunications company in the Philippines, which I aspired to work for – Smart Communications, Inc. (SMART). As a Business Analyst, I was able to apply the business frameworks I learned from college while ensuring SMART partners’ compliance with the policies and contracts. Throughout my tenure, I was able to develop my critical thinking skills while conducting root-cause analysis during compliance investigations. Furthermore, I was able to enhance my creativity in crafting revenue assurance initiatives to prevent revenue leakages and financial losses. Collectively, these experiences provided valuable exposure to real-life issues and risks being managed by enterprises and to various management malpractices and their repercussions on the company.


In reality, a business is like a double-edged sword that can act as a catalyst for societal change, impacting communities and countries, or be the culprit of societal degradation in case of mismanagement and corruption. That is the reason why harnessing the positive aspect of the business while alleviating its negative side is pivotal, not just for the enterprise, but also for its shareholders – society and the country. It has been my ambition to become a business expert, capable of managing this duality with the highest effectiveness and proficiency. And through Korea and Asian Business Studies (KABS) MBA at Hanyang University (HYU) under the Global Korea Scholarship Program, I will have an opportunity to fulfill this ambition. If given a chance to pursue the KABS MBA at HYU, I will immerse myself in Korean and Asian business practices to gain value-adding insights on how enterprises operate and function in an Asian country setting. With this opportunity, I will investigate on Korea’s history with businesses and learn more about its utilization of positive edge of enterprises in uplifting the lives of the Korean citizens. Gaining insights on the history of Korea will be vital in determining the applicability and usability of these real-life lessons to the rest of the Asian nations. In addition, the University-Industry cooperation and experiential form of learning offered by HYU will provide exposure to relevant Korean and Asian business issues through industry-based scenarios and cases, and will improve my problem-solving skills and creativity in terms of crafting solutions to the business problems rampant in the Asian region. Lastly, both the KABS MBA and the GKS program promotes interaction and network building, which is vital in adapting to the global and regional markets and industries. Interacting with students from other nations will significantly help in developing my sensitivity to diverse cultures as well as tolerance to cultural ambiguity while instilling diversity appreciation and embracing cultural uniqueness.


My life has been a journey of continuous learning, with each stage significantly influencing where and who I am today. If given a chance to blaze a trail onto the GKS Program, I will bring the significant lessons I learned in my academic, personal, and professional life. My insatiable curiosity and passion for education, positive tenacity, adaptability to overcome adversities and dynamic environment in Korea, and holistic development will make this GKS journey fruitful and worthwhile.


Sumber: Just In Time (Awardee GKS 2021)

2. Contoh Study Plan GKS

Language Study Plan


I am aware the GKS makes provision for a year of intensive Korean language program which is very essential to my Master’s degree studies in South Korea and that is something I am eagerly looking forward to. In advance towards that, I have commenced studying Korean with study materials from sources such as Korean from Zero Book 1 & 2 and seemile.com. Apart from these, English subtitled Korean movies, variety shows, and music have helped me pick up basic Korean vocabulary, sentences, and correct pronunciation. Currently, I am acquainted with all the Hangul characters and have the ability to read sentences.


Should I be selected for this program, I am confident that if I spend a whole year focusing on and studying Korean, I will master it quite well. I will study very hard in class by following the instructions of my language teachers and make sure to diligently do all assignments. I will create and follow a daily study routine which would comprise reviewing subjects and topics I was taught in class, memorizing vocabularies, phrases, and further learn more through other Korean language study books, group discussions, and with the learning materials that I have already mentioned. I would practice everything I learn by interacting with people, and I am especially happy that I have made Korean friends who are ever ready to help me in terms of language practice.


Within the language studies time period, I will also learn extra hard by using test materials from topikguide.com to test myself every day in order to improve more and prepare me to write the TOPIK examinations and attain at least TOPIK level 5 at the end of the language program. Mastering Korean language within a year will serve as a great foundation for me to begin my Master’s degree program since I will be using it in my daily life activities such as studying and communicating.


Goals of Study & Study Plan


My aim to pursue a Master’s degree is not only stimulated by my desire to improve on myself academically and professionally as an artist and educator but also to contribute to the development of Painting and Art in general, especially in Ghana where it is undervalued. The MFA in Painting will enable me to gain in-depth knowledge, a unique personal voice, and an expanded understanding of contemporary art through its intensive studio practice which will afford me the opportunity to impact positively in the field of Painting back home in Ghana. It is on this premise that I seek to tailor my academic trajectory towards gaining a more in-depth knowledge in this field.


The thinking which has traditionally been taken to the conception and construction of paintings is that they should be experienced frontally. Having been a predominant practice, paintings have been observed with the eyes without the body playing any role in the process. Deciding on the project I want to undertake, I have observed with avid interest and an inquisitive mind on drawing inspiration from ideas about phenomenology and lenticular effect to produce paintings which will serve as a break away from the norm of disembodied experience.


The second and third year of my study period will be focused on the Master’s degree program. In the second year of my program, I will focus on studying the core courses and excel in each of them which in turn would help me in my research project and also initiate a write-up for my research proposal. I would also develop and strengthen my knowledge in my field of study by joining study groups, interacting with my professors, attending seminars, workshops, field trips, conferences, exhibitions as well as reading a lot of relevant literature for my research project.


Amidst the third year of my studies, I would be having more studio work, putting my ideas and findings into reality. I would also organize a series of exhibitions featuring the project works to observe and analyze how it will engage viewers as well as the feedback from the viewers in relation to the works which will all come together to enable me to come out with a phenomenal thesis. Underneath the instructions of my research supervisor, I will be able to complete my research project on time and further make preparations for my graduate thesis and Master’s degree defense.


As an art student, I would like to join an art club on campus and participate in most of its activities. During vacations, I would look for opportunities for internships at art museums such as the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Seoul, Leeum Samsung Museum of Art, and Art Sonje Center. In order to integrate myself well into my studies and the country, I am eager to learn and experience the rich Korean culture and heritage, and so I would use my free time to visit historic sites like Changdeokgung Palace, Bukchon Hanok Village, Suwon Hwaseong Fortress, and Gyeongbokgung Palace. I would like to explore the aforementioned places to learn and develop a deeper understanding of Korean art, culture, and how the Korean people have shaped the Korean society today.


Future Plan After Study


As a professional dedicated to the field of Art, it is my goal that I will be able to use my new knowledge and skills from my Master’s study to contribute immensely to this field and so after attaining the Master’s degree, my ultimate goal is to remain in Korea to further pursue a Ph.D. in Painting.


My ultimate aim is to become a Professor in the University to help prepare and train professionals and future leaders who can contribute to the world of art as well as the development of countries. I would also engage in substantive research work by sharing my research ideas with other professionals within the field of Art through published journal articles, books, exhibitions, among others. I would further like to organize art seminars which I could use as a platform for educating people about art and its importance and motivating younger students, especially females who want to pursue Art as well as those who are already in the field of Art.


I am confident that my experiences will enable me to adapt quickly to the pressures of a Master’s degree and thus enable me to make the most of the opportunities the university life offers. I believe that with the mentorship of superior professors, I will develop my skills in Painting better. I also strongly believe that a lot more foreign exposure will greatly enhance my perspective on Art which I so much love.


I eagerly look forward to getting this scholarship to pursue a Master’s degree in Fine Arts (Painting) in South Korea and working with people who share my passion for the subject.


Sumber: Efua Park (Awardee GKS 2022)

FAQ Esai Beasiswa GKS

1. Apakah Esai GKS Harus Menggunakan Bahasa Korea?

Enggak wajib, kok, SoB. Kamu bisa menulis esai dalam bahasa Inggris, karena saat awal mendaftar, kamu belum diwajibkan menguasai Bahasa Korea.


For your information, syarat TOPIK itu opsional, tapi ada kesempatan menaikkan skor penilaian hingga 90% jika melampirkan.


Nah, baru nanti, setelah memulai studi dan mengikuti pelatihan bahasa selama setahun, kamu diharapkan mencapai minimal TOPIK Level 3.

2. Berapa Panjang Esai GKS?

Esai GKS dibatasi maksimal 3 halaman dalam ukuran kertas A4, menggunakan font Times New Roman berukuran 11, dan dengan spasi tunggal.

3. Apakah Harus Menyebutkan Universitas Tujuan di Esai?

Harus disebutkan, ya, SoB. Terutama di study plan, karena kamu perlu menyebutkan universitas dan program studi yang kamu pilih beserta alasan memilihnya.


Nah, semua contoh essay Beasiswa LPDP, AAS, dan GKS tadi bisa banget jadi referensi untuk menyusun esaimu sendiri, SoB.


Tapi ingat, contoh-contoh itu cuma buat inspirasi, bukan untuk di-copypaste, ya. Esai yang kamu tulis harus original, murni dari pengalaman, cerita, dan visi-misi kamu sendiri. Kalau ketahuan plagiat, kamu pasti akan langsung gugur proses seleksi, SoB.


Jadi, pastikan esaimu mencerminkan siapa kamu, tujuan kamu, dan apa yang ingin kamu capai lewat beasiswa itu. Karena itulah yang akan membuat esaimu standout di mata komite beasiswa!

Bikin Esai #HighQuality Bareng Kobi Biar Makin Pede Daftar Beasiswa!

Selain melalui dokumen-dokumen yang menunjukkan prestasi akademik, esai beasiswa juga bisa jadi penentu yang nge-boost peluang kamu dapetin beasiswa, lho.


Karena lewat esai yang kamu buat, komite beasiswa bisa mengenal dan menilai apakah kandidatnya punya visi-misi, tujuan, dan potensi yang sesuai dengan kriteria yang mereka cari.


Nah, supaya makin pede dan yakin beasiswamu itu strukturnya bagus, jelas, dan tanpa error di grammar maupun spelling, kamu bisa minta bantuan proofreading langsung sama Awardee beasiswa berpengalaman di Proofreading Kobi!


Secara keseluruhan, dokumenmu seperti esai, CV, motivation letter, recommendation letter, dan lainnya, bisa mendapatkan:

    • Rekomendasi spesifik sesuai sama standar universitas atau beasiswa tujuan;
    • Structure adjustion, supaya isinya semakin terstruktur dan jelas;
    • Powerful suggestion supaya tulisanmu mudah dibaca dan bisa menyampaikan ide pikiranmu secara efektif.
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Selain itu, berbagai pilihan layanan sesuai kebutuhan kamu, SoB! Secara umum ada Basic Program, dan ada juga Proofreading khusus untuk Korean Scholarship Program, UK Scholarship Program, sampai Australia Scholarship Program.

Kalau lagi kepepet waktu, tenang aja, ada opsi Proofreading Express juga, lho! Cocok banget buat kamu yang butuh rekomendasi dan finalisasi dokumen yang lebih cepat, namun tetap berkualitas.

Yuk, manfaatin layanan ini supaya kamu makin siap dan pede untuk menulis esai yang berkualitas dan sesuai standar beasiswa impianmu!

Itu dia beberapa contoh essay beasiswa, dari mulai contoh esai Beasiswa LPDP, AAS, hingga GKS yang bisa bantu kamu menyusun esaimu sendiri.

Semangat terus persiapannya, SoBi!

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