Personal Statement Beasiswa GKS S2/S3: Bedah dan Contohnya!

GKS buat Jenjang S2/S3 Jalur University Track masih dibuka sampai April! Yuk persiapkan personal statement Beasiswa GKS kamu dari sekarang!


kobi education-personal statement beasiswa gks-gambar pria sedang mau menulis di kertas putih

Global Korea Scholarship (GKS) buat Jenjang S2/S3 Jalur University Track masih dibuka sampai April, lho, SoBi! Jangan lupa, bikin personal statement Beasiswa GKS yang ciamik biar kesempatan lolosmu makin besar!


Masih no clue apa itu personal statement dan gimana cara nulisnya? Tenang… baca sampai akhir, ya, SoBi!

Sekilas Mengenai Global Korea Scholarship

Kenalan singkat dulu sama beasiswa ini, yuk!

Global Korea Scholarship
adalah program beasiswa penuh dari Pemerintah Korea Selatan untuk pelajar internasional, termasuk dari Indonesia untuk melanjutkan Studi D3/S1/S2/S3 di universitas-universitas top Korea.

For your information
, beasiswa ini ada dua jalur pendaftaran, yaitu:

    • Embassy Track – Seleksi dilakukan Kedutaan Besar Korea Selatan di Indonesia. Pelamar mengirimkan aplikasi ke kedutaan;
    • University Track – Seleksi dilakukan universitas tujuan di Korea Selatan. Pelamar mengirimkan berkas pendaftaran langsung ke universitas.

Kapan pendaftarannya?




Embassy Track

September 2024

Februari 2024

University Track

Oktober-November 2024

Hingga April 2024 (tergantung deadline universitas tujuan)

Ketinggalan daftar GKS S2/S3 Jalur Embassy Track? Tenang… masih ada kesempatan buat daftar Jalur University Track, nih!

Maksimalkan esai kamu, ya, biar makin dilirik penyeleksi! Yuk, kita bahas!

Perbedaan Personal Statement dan Study Plan

Ada dua jenis esai yang menjadi persyaratan GKS, yaitu personal statement dan study plan.


Personal statement biasanya berisi motivasi mendaftar, latar belakang pendidikan, dan pengalaman pribadi atau pencapaian selama ini. 


Sementara itu, study plan berisi rencana studi yang akan kamu lakukan. Study plan GKS harus memuat tiga poin, yaitu:

    • Language Study Plan – Rencana belajar bahasa sebelum dan setelah tiba di Korea;
    • Goals of Study and Study Plan – Tujuan belajar dan rencana belajar secara detail;
    • Future Plan After Study – Rencana setelah lulus dari studi dan beasiswa.


Biar kamu lebih paham perbedaan kedua esai ini, perhatikan tabel di bawah ini, ya!


Personal Statement

Study Plan

Motivasi atau alasan mendaftar beasiswa



Pengalaman pribadi



Prestasi atau pencapaian



Alasan memilih jurusan dan universitas



Rencana mata kuliah, proyek, dan kegiatan ekstrakurikuler yang akan diambil



Rencana meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa



Rencana setelah lulus studi



kobi education-personal statement beasiswa gks-gambar formulir personal statement beasiswa gks

Ada 6 poin yang harus dijelaskan, yaitu:

1. Motivation With Which You Apply for This Program

Jelaskan motivasi utama kamu mendaftar GKS dan bagaimana beasiswa ini bisa mencapai tujuanmu.


Buat hook dari cerita unik dan personal yang menjadi motivasi awal kamu mendaftar beasiswa atau mengambil program studi. Pastikan ceritamu menarik agar penyeleksi mau membaca esaimu sampai akhir, ya!




I’ve liked Korean stuff since middle school, when I accidentally watched Korean TV shows. The show wasn’t just entertaining; it offered me a sense of comfort and connection I hadn’t found elsewhere. That made me want to learn Hangul, and I got more and more interested in South Korea. The more I got into Korean culture, the more I wanted to be a Translator. I thought it would be awesome to help people get to know each other by translating and sharing different cultures.

2. Educational Background

Pada bagian ini, jelaskan latar belakang pendidikan S1 atau S2 sebelumnya. Jangan ragu untuk menonjolkan prestasi atau pencapaian selama kuliah, ya!



I have been trained in Korean language skills, Korean history, Korean society and culture, as well as Korean translation during my undergraduate studies in the Korean Language and Culture Program at the University of Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia. I have successfully demonstrated thesis research on Korean popular culture and achieved an A-grade. Throughout my undergraduate studies, I enhanced my understanding of Korean language and culture and was motivated to dedicate myself to strengthening the relationship between our two countries through cultural exchange. I always try to maintain a high GPA and completed my Bachelor’s Degree with a GPA of 3.80/4.00.

3. Significant Experiences You Have had

Ceritakan secara detail pengalaman non-akademik selama menempuh Studi S1, bisa dari organisasi, bakti sosial, lomba, konferensi, seminar, atau training. 


Kamu juga boleh memasukkan pengalaman saat bekerja. Tapi, usahakan relevan sama tujuan studi, ya! Kalau enggak relevan, tulis skill apa yang kamu dapat dari pekerjaan tersebut.



Besides academic activities, I was also involved in organizations and competitions related to Korean language and culture. In 2019, I joined a student organization focused on promoting Korean culture at our campus. As the President of the Korean Club UI, I participated in planning and organizing various cultural events, such as Korean food festivals, traditional music performances, and art exhibitions. Through my involvement in this organization, I not only expanded my knowledge of Korean culture but also learned to organize large-scale events and collaborate with other team members to achieve common goals. 


Additionally, I was selected to represent Indonesia at the 24th K-Speech World Contest in Fukuoka, Japan. This opportunity not only boosted my confidence in public speaking but also broadened my understanding of international cultural exchange. Interacting with contestants from various countries, each with their unique perspectives, reinforced my belief in the power of language for fostering mutual understanding and appreciation.

4. Person or Events That Have Had a Significant Influence on You

Ceritakan seseorang yang menjadi Mentor, panutan, atau memiliki pengaruh positif dalam studimu. 


Selain berupa individu, kamu juga bisa menyebutkan peristiwa atau pengalaman tertentu yang benar-benar memengaruhi minat kamu.




My journey was profoundly shaped by Professor Kim, a Mentor at Universitas Indonesia with a deep knowledge of Korean literature. From the beginning, she saw my enthusiasm and commitment, offering both guidance and encouragement. Professor Kim’s deep understanding of Korean culture and her nudges towards tackling more complex texts fundamentally influenced my goals. She didn’t just teach me the language; she opened my eyes to the essence of Korean literature and how it mirrors society, inspiring me to dive deeper and embrace the nuances of the culture.

5. If Applicable, Describe Awards You Have Received, Publications You Have Made, or Skill You Have Acquired

Jelaskan lebih detail penghargaan, publikasi, atau keahlian khusus yang kamu miliki.


Penghargaan ini boleh dalam bidang akademik, non-akademik, atau pengakuan lain yang kamu dapatkan karena suatu pencapaian atau kontribusi. Misalnya, menang lomba debat, atau penghargaan sebagai Mahasiswa Terbaik.


Kalau pernah menulis dan menerbitkan sesuatu, baik itu artikel ilmiah di jurnal, buku, bahkan skripsi, kamu bisa sebutkan di sini. Jelaskan topik atau tema yang kamu bahas, di mana itu diterbitkan, dan kapan.


Bisa juga keterampilan baru yang kamu pelajari dan kuasai. Misalnya, bahasa asing, coding, desain grafis, atau apa pun selama relevan dengan bidang studi atau minatmu.



During my studies, I received the Outstanding Student Award for my academic achievements and contributions to the Korean Language Department. This recognition was a proud moment for me, affirming my commitment and hard work. Furthermore, I have published several articles in our university’s academic journal, discussing the influence of Korean culture on Southeast Asia and the role of translation in cultural exchange. These publications have allowed me to contribute to the academic discourse on Korean culture and its global impact.

6. Others (Extracurricular Activities, Community Service, or Work Experiences)

Berikan informasi tambahan tentang dirimu, terutama yang berkaitan dengan:

    • Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler – Mencakup klub, organisasi, atau hobi yang kamu ikuti di luar kelas kuliah. Misalnya, kamu aktif di klub fotografi, tim olahraga, atau kelompok debat;
    • Kegiatan Sosial – Mencakup kegiatan sukarela, seperti mengajar anak-anak kurang mampu, membantu di panti asuhan, atau ikut serta dalam program penanaman pohon;
    • Pengalaman Kerja – Sebutkan kalau kamu sudah pernah bekerja, baik magang, kerja paruh waktu, atau posisi penuh waktu. Jelaskan tanggung jawab pekerjaannya.



Outside of academics, I volunteered for a non-profit organization that promotes cultural understanding among youth, where I led workshops on Korean language and culture for Indonesian students. This experience was rewarding, as it allowed me to use my knowledge to foster interest and understanding among young people. Additionally, I have worked part-time as a Translator for a Korean entertainment news website, which has not only improved my translation skills but also kept me connected to current trends in Korean culture.

Contoh Personal Statement untuk Beasiswa GKS

Melansir dari berbagai sumber, ini dia contoh personal statement Beasiswa GKS yang bisa kamu jadikan referensi.


Inspired by the ever-evolving world and the rise of online content creation, particularly in South Korea, I discovered my passion for creative expression. From childhood, I enjoyed drawing, music, and various instruments. This passion intensified when I attended an art school during high school, where I received a scholarship for my artistic talent.

Though separated from my supportive parents, these formative years provided valuable learning experiences, both technical and artistic. It was here I first encountered Korean culture through music and dramas, igniting a desire to create similar content.

Aspiring to hone my skills, I initially aimed to major in Multimedia Arts in college. However, practical considerations led me to pursue a different major at the prestigious University of the Philippines. Despite excelling in this field for three years, a yearning for my true calling persisted.

Following careful deliberation, I made a life-altering decision to switch majors and schools, finally enrolling in Multimedia Arts. To manage the increased tuition fees, I engaged in various activities: writing, video editing, and poster design. This diverse freelance work led me to exciting opportunities, including roles as staff and concert photographer for the Philippine K-Pop Convention, and official photographer for Thai celebrity events in the Philippines. My work was even featured in the Business World newspaper.

These experiences not only honed my photography and design skills, but also fostered communication skills through interactions with managers, artists, and fans. My active involvement in the Philippine entertainment industry ultimately led to a recommendation for the 2019 ASEAN Invitation Program for AAN Fans of Hallyu.

Witnessing Korea’s dedication to the arts further fueled my desire to pursue a Master’s Degree there. I sought to understand their approach to content creation, from planning to execution, as Korean media had long served as my inspiration. With newfound purpose, I dedicated myself to academic excellence, graduating Magna Cum Laude in 2020.

I am deeply grateful for the experiences and opportunities that have shaped my skills and personality, and firmly believe they are stepping stones towards my ultimate goal: obtaining the Global Korea Scholarship and pursuing a Master’s Degree in South Korea.

A Fangirl’s Heart


Driven by a lifelong love of learning and a passion for business, I am a recent Bachelor of Science and Business Administration graduate from the University of Asia and the Pacific, overcame financial limitations to excel in my chosen field.

Supported by scholarships and financial aid, I immersed myself in the diverse aspects of business during my undergraduate studies. These experiences not only solidified my commitment to higher education but also fueled my pursuit of graduate studies.

To solidify my academic foundation, I pursued diverse job opportunities in sales and business analysis after graduation. These experiences exposed me to practical applications of business concepts, sharpening my critical thinking and problem-solving skills in preparation for the demands of graduate school.

Motivated by the transformative potential of business management when guided by ethics and expertise, I aim to become a leading figure in the field. The Korea and Asian Business Studies (KABS) MBA Program at Hanyang University, supported by the Global Korea Scholarship (GKS) Program, presents the ideal platform to achieve this goal.

Hanyang’s KABS Program offers not only a comprehensive understanding of Korean and Asian business practices but also equips students with the skills to tackle real-world business challenges. The program’s focus on collaboration and networking fosters a global perspective and adaptability – crucial attributes in today’s interconnected business landscape.

My journey has been a continuous pursuit of knowledge, with each step shaping my character and aspirations. With unwavering passion for learning, resilience in overcoming challenges, and a strong ability to adapt to new environments, I am confident that the GKS Program will be a fulfilling and impactful experience.

Just In Time

Rekomendasi Universitas untuk Mendaftar Beasiswa GKS

Bingung pilih universitas mana yang oke buat kuliah di Korea? Simak rekomendasi dari MinBi, yuk!


Ranking di Korea

Ranking di Dunia

Top Program

Seoul National University (SNU)



  • Modern Language
  • Engineering-Chemical
  • Public Policy and Administration
  • Material Science
  • Life science and Medicine

KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)



  • Material Science
  • Engineering
  • Engineering and Technology
  • Computer Science and Information
  • Mathematics

Yonsei University



  • Social Policy and Administration
  • Dentistry
  • Sports
  • Sociology
  • Communication and Media Studies

Korea University



  • Education and Training
  • Business and Management Studies
  • Accounting and Finance
  • Politics

POSTECH (Pohang University of Science and Technology)



  • Material Science
  • Engineering
  • Chemistry
  • Computer Science and Informations
  • Physics and Astronomy

Sungkyunkwan University



  • Library and Information Management
  • Material Science
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Business and Management
  • Medicine

Hanyang University



  • Civil Engineering
  • Architecture and Built Environment
  • Hospitality and Leisure Management
  • Performing Arts
  • Materials Science

UNIST (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology)



  • Engineering and Technology
  • Physics and Astronomy
  • Biological Science
  • Natural Science
  • Mathematics

Nah, itu dia informasi lengkap mengenai personal statement Beasiswa GKS yang bisa kamu jadikan referensi menulis. Wajib sat set persiapan dari sekarang karena deadline kampusnya tinggal 1-2 bulan lagi, lho!

Masih enggak tahu mau mulai dari mana? Sini-sini gabung K
elas Mentoring bareng Expert Mentor Kobi aja! Persiapan makin terarah, no more bingung-bingung lagi, deh!


Semoga berhasil, SoBi!

Daftar Isi

Rekomendasi Artikel
Bingung Persiapan Study Abroad Mulai Dari Mana?

Sini Kobi temenin kamu #KejarBareng kampus dan beasiswa impianmu!

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