Mau ikut Tes IELTS buat daftar beasiswa impian, tapi masih kesusahan di bagian writing? No worries, Sob! Sini-sini, MinBi spill contoh soal IELTS writing buat bahan belajar.
Selain contoh soal, MinBi juga menyiapkan solusi jitu buat kamu yang dikejar deadline beasiswa, tapi belum pede sama skor IELTS-nya.
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Contoh Soal IELTS Writing
Soal IELTS writing terdiri dari dua pertanyaan. Soal pertama meminta kamu menjelaskan data visual, sementara soal kedua memintamu menulis esai atau argumen berdasarkan topik yang diberikan. Total durasi pengerjaan 60 menit.
Writing Task 1
Kamu diminta untuk menulis laporan minimal 150 kata berdasarkan data visual yang diberikan, seperti grafik garis, grafik batang, diagram lingkaran, tabel, atau diagram proses. Durasi 20 menit.
The chart below shows the number of men and women in further education in Britain in three periods and whether they were studying full-time or part-time. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
Contoh Jawaban:
This is a bar chart of the number of men and women in further education in Britain in three periods.
In 1970, most men were studying part-time. But from 1980, studying part-time decreased and studying full-time increased. In 1990, there were twice as many students studying full-time as in 1970.
On the other hand, the number of women studying full-time increased steadily from 1970 to 1990. The number of women studying part-time also increased, but not as much as the number of women studying full-time. In 1990, there were three times as many women studying full-time as in 1970.
Overall, the chart shows that the number of women in further education has increased significantly since 1970. The number of men in further education has also increased, but not as much as the number of women.
Baca Juga Artikel Ini: Latihan Writing IELTS: Pembahasan dan Tips untuk Skor Maksimal!
Writing Task 2
Kamu akan diberikan topik tertentu. Kemudian, kamu diminta untuk menulis esai minimal 250 kata yang menanggapi topik tersebut. Durasi 40 menit.
Write about the following topic:
Children who are brought up in families that do not have large amounts of money are better prepared to deal with the problems of adult life than children brought up by wealthy parents. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Contoh Jawaban:
I do agree to the statement that children brought up in poor families are better prepared to deal with the problems of adult life than children brought up by wealthy parents.
Children of poor parents are prematurely exposed to the problems of adult life eg. earning a living, learning to survive on a low family income and sacrificing luxuries for essential items. These children begin to see the ‘realities of life’ in their own home or social environment. Their parents’ own struggles serve as an example to them.
These children are taught necessary skills for survival as an adult from a very early age. Many children e.g. work on the weekends or holidays to either collect some pocket money or even contribute to their families’ income. A good example is the many children who accompany their parents to sell produce at the market. They are making a direct contribution to their families in terms of labor or income.
Children of poor families also are highly motivated (economic & social) They tend to set high goals to improve their situation. A relevant example would be Mr. Bill Gates (Founder of Microsoft Corporation). He had an impoverished background but he used his talent and motivation to set up the world’s largest computer organization.Â
However, there are some problems that children from poor backgrounds do encounter. Many of these children who are ‘robbed’ of their childhood while working, may feel cheated. They often turn to crime. This however, is a small group.Â
In summing up, children with impoverished backgrounds are able to deal with problems of adult life because of early exposure, family role models and sheer motivation.
SUMBER: IELTS Academic Writing
Baca Juga Artikel Ini: Tips Sukses IELTS untuk Writing, Reading, Listening, Speaking
IELTS Exclusive: SAT SET Persiapan 1.5 - 2 Bulan Aja!
Deadline beasiswa semakin mendekat, tapi skor IELTS kamu enggak kunjung meningkat? Jangan sampai mimpi study abroad kamu pupus gara-gara skor IELTS, Sob!Â
Sebelum stres dan panik melanda, mending SAT SET daftar kelas persiapan IELTS di Kobi aja!Â
Pilih Program IELTS EXCLUSIVE biar bisa kejar skor IELTS 7.0+ bareng expert tutor dalam 1,5 – 2 bulan! Kelasnya Semi-Private, jadi bisa eksklusif belajar 3-6 orang aja!
Pstt… ada bonus scholarship preparation class ditambah scholarship preparation consultation yang bisa kamu akses GRATIS juga loh!
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Fasilitas IELTS Exclusive
Kumpul-kumpul! MinBi spill fasilitas di IELTS Exclusive yang sayang banget kalau dilewatkan!
FREE Bonus Plus Plus!
Enggak cukup sampai situ, Kobi masih ada bonus tambahan buat kamu si paling eksklusif!
1. FREE Scholarship Preparation Class
Mulai dari cara bikin motivation letter memukau, menyusun study plan, membuat CV akademis yang menarik, sampai cara mendapatkan surat rekomendasi.Â
Semuanya bakal dibahas tuntas di sini!
2. FREE Scholarship Consultation for One Month
Kesempatan konsultasi langsung 1-on-1 bareng Expert Mentor seputar persiapan beasiswa, pilihan jurusan, hingga rekomendasi kampus tujuan sesuai profil kamu via group chat.
Semua pertanyaan dan kebingunganmu bakal terjawab!
Write about the following topic:
Children who are brought up in families that do not have large amounts of money are better prepared to deal with the problems of adult life than children brought up by wealthy parents. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Kata Student Kobi
Pilihan Jadwal IELTS Exclusive
Dalam waktu itu, emangnya bakal belajar apa aja, Min?
Intip kurikulumnya di sini: KURIKULUM IELTS EXCLUSIVE
Jadi Kamu Tunggu Apa Lagi?
Dengan fasilitas selengkap itu, Kobi siap sedia jadi best support system kamu kejar mimpi study abroad.
#KejarIELTS sekarang, raih beasiswa impianmu kemudian!