5 Contoh Motivation Letter Beasiswa Luar Negeri, Tips Nulis!

Kamu sedang kesulitan nulis motivation letter? Ini dia 5 contoh motivation letter beasiswa luar negeri, beserta tips untuk menulisnya!


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Hai Scholarship Hunters! Kamu lagi persiapan daftar beasiswa tapi stuck saat nulis motivation letter (motlet)? Kalau iya, cari tahu contoh motivation letter beasiswa luar negeri serta tips penulisannya di artikel ini, yuk!

Contoh Motivation Letter Yang Berhasil Tembus Beasiswa Luar Negeri

1. Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship

Dear Admission Committee,

I am writing this letter to apply for a master’s in … at … in Hungary. Related to my background, I accomplished my bachelor’s degree in … from X University in … with a CGPA of … out of … .

From a very young age, I have been playing with and repairing broken electrical and electronic objects at a scrap dealer’s shop right in front of my home, which generated interest in me to learn more about these devices. The best part of my undergrad was group projects. Being a group leader, …

My project for the final year was based on the Smart Grid (SG) and Demand Side Load Management (DSM). I aimed to have a load-shedding alternative, a critical challenge for many developing nations, including mine, Nigeria….

In addition to Power Systems as a fundamental specialty and Smart Systems Integrations as a secondary specialization, my master’s degree in … at … will boost not only my skill set but also my potential to …

The Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship offers me a vital opportunity to advance my education and research in modernizing the world’s power structure. …

After completing my master’s degree and returning full of skills and expertise, I would join …, a government-based entity that operates 500 and 220-kV transmission and grid stations. …

I want to conclude that I am excited to learn new experiences, strengthen my skills, and expand my knowledge of the world’s power structure, and I am confident that learning …




2. GREAT Scholarship

Dear Sir or Madam,

With this letter, I would like to express my interest in … program, at … with the GREAT Scholarship. I am certain that this master’s programme will help me ….

During my bachelor’s degree, I was actively involved in … competition where I won the … held by …. . 

My current goal is to … . Based on data … . This condition getting worse as … . I believe … .

Having been working for … as a … at …, I realize that … . After doing some research, I realized that by taking higher education in …. With GREAT Scholarship, I can gain valuable … . 

Getting a prestigious GREAT Scholarship will not only improve my knowledge but also broaden my international network. Finally, this programme will help me … .

Thank you in advance for your consideration and time. 


[Your Name]

3. Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree

Dear Sir or Madam,

Whole my life I have been interested in investigation and biological science. Microorganisms are the most variable, abundant and capable organisms on Earth. Due to my interest in microorganisms I completed my bachelor studies in … at … in … with a scholarship granted by the national government to the best low-income students in the country. By taking courses in … .

The … program contains all topics I am interested in such as emerging viral infections, gene therapy, virus discovery, translational medicine and innovative therapies. Furthermore, the three founding partner universities which are leaders in … .

In addition, my aim is to work and investigate actively in innovative treatments for infectious diseases in order to contribute to prevent, control and create or improve treatments to infectious diseases in the European Union and around the world, not just from theory but also with laboratory work … .

Moreover, traveling and living in different countries shall give me several opportunities to acquire more profound knowledge of different cultures around the world, learn new languages and meet new people with different backgrounds, mindsets and lifestyles. Besides, this … .

To sum up briefly, the … MSc programme is a wonderful opportunity that will allow me to further my career by accessing high quality education and training, multicultural and multidisciplinary networks worldwide and it will be a bridge to continue my future academic career, get a PhD and achieve my goal of working in … .

Thank you in advance for considering my application and I look forward to your positive response.



[Your Name]

4. Fulbright Scholarship

My grandparents have touched many lives: former drug addicts, refugees, neighbors, and my own. They have an uncommon ability to build relationships; … .

In my own life, I have aspired to affect people in the manner of my grandparents and others in the Mennonite Church. I still have that aspiration, but my vision has expanded … .

In the summer of 20xx, I traveled to Ecuador, equipped with rudimentary Spanish, a background in international politics and economics, and a desire to meet people, hear their stories, and learn from them. In Ecuador, … .

Like helplessness, dependency often stems from a lack of opportunities. The children who begged on the streets of Quito depended upon strangers for money … .

After my travels, I returned to Mythic County in December of 20xx and ate Christmas dinner at my grandparents’ farmhouse. I knew that this area was my home, … .

In June of 20xx, I traveled to Peru to assist with an innovative approach to agriculture lending pioneered by MEDA. While working for MEDA, I assessed a microcredit project involving rice farmers. The experience …

With this goal in mind, I hope to pursue a law degree and a Master of Public Policy with an emphasis in international development … .

5. Swedish Institute Scholarship for Global Professionals (SISGP)

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter to express my great motivation and interest in the … master’s programme at … University because I wish to further my career in UX design that combines my computer science skills and graphic design.

I have a bachelor degree in computer science, where I developed algorithmic thinking and learned the fundamentals in coding. During my studies, I always tried to attend as many competitions as I could, because these situations would always help me reflect on my deficiencies, and how I need to improve in the future, whether it be communicating and working with others, or technical skills … . 

My failure did not stop me from improving my graphic design skills. I started looking for places hiring students part-time. I landed my first graphic design work as an intern in an Indonesian educational technology start up to enhance my designing skills … . 

After graduating, I got an offer to extend my position in the same company as a designer. This experience not only allowed me to apply my design skills practically but also exposed me to the challenges faced by users in interacting with our product… .

My exposure to both computer science and graphic design has provided me with a unique perspective. I understand the technical intricacies involved in … .

Choosing … University for the … master’s programme is a well-thought-out decision. The program’s comprehensive curriculum and esteemed faculty align perfectly with my career aspirations. I am particularly excited about the opportunity to work on … .

Upon completion of the program, I hope to leverage my knowledge in UX design to create innovative and user-centric products that have a meaningful impact on people’s lives. I aspire to contribute to … .

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to contribute to and learn from the dynamic academic environment at … University.


[Your Name]

Kenapa Motivation Letter Penting untuk Daftar Beasiswa Luar Negeri?

Motlet adalah salah satu dokumen persyaratan beasiswa yang sangat penting. Mengapa? Karena dokumen ini menjadi gerbang bagi penyeleksi untuk mengetahui siapa calon Awardee-nya hingga mengapa ia layak mendapatkan beasiswa tersebut.

Biasanya, dokumen ini berisi mengenai tujuan, rencana karier, dan keterkaitannya dengan beasiswa. Tentunya, hal ini juga membantu penyelenggara untuk lebih memahami motivasi dan potensimu sebagai calon penerima.

Jadi, motlet bukan hanya persyaratan yang bisa dikumpulkan alakadarnya saja, tetapi juga kerap dijadikan pertimbangan utama penyeleksi untuk meloloskanmu atau tidak.

Apa Saja Isi Motivation Letter Beasiswa Luar Negeri?

1. Pembuka

Hal paling awal dalam motlet adalah pembuka. Hindari menggunakan kata “Pada hari ini…”, “Halo, perkenalkan nama saya …”. 

Yap! Kalimat semacam itu enggak bisa kamu masukkan dalam motlet. Sebab, paragraf pembuka menjadi penentu penyeleksi akan membaca esai sampai akhir atau enggak. Maka dari itu, hindari penggunaan kalimat mainstream dan terlalu umum.

Lalu, bagaimana cara membuat pembuka anti-mainstream dan dilirik oleh penyeleksi?

Melansir dari European Higher Education Fair, untuk motlet, kamu bisa membukanya dengan latar belakang dan kekurangan bidang incaran di Indonesia. 

Misalnya, kamu mengincar Jurusan Hukum di luar negeri. Untuk kalimat awalnya, jelaskan kondisi dunia hukum di Indonesia saat ini. 

Cara ini bisa menjadi salah satu strategi supaya dilirik penyeleksi, lho. Sebab, kamu menunjukkan sesuatu yang anti-ainstream tapi tetap menjawab pertanyaan esai.

2. Isi

Sesuai namanya, isi bisa diibaratkan sebagai bagian terpenting dalam motlet. Berbeda dengan pembuka dan penutup yang cenderung singkat, bagian isi biasanya lebih panjang sekaligus padat.

Selain harus menjawab pertanyaan esai, pada bagian ini kamu juga harus menyampaikan beberapa hal relevan, misalnya kesesuaian visi misi kamu dengan beasiswa. Namun, pastikan jangan mengulang informasi yang telah tertuang dalam CV, ya.

Setidaknya, ada tiga hal yang perlu kamu sebutkan dalam bagian ini, yaitu:

    • Pengalaman – Menjelaskan apa saja pengalaman kamu dan pencapaian di bidang yang kamu lamar, bisa tambahkan juga prestasi relevan;

    • Motivasi atau Alasan Daftar Beasiswa – Jelaskan secara singkat, padat, dan jelas mengenai alasan kuat kamu daftar kuliah dan beasiswa ke luar negeri;

    • Tujuan Yang Ingin Dicapai – Tak hanya menuliskan, usahakan untuk kaitkan juga dengan isu saat ini dan karakteristik pemberi beasiswa supaya makin dilirik

3. Penutup

Setelah menjelaskan dari A-Z secara singkat, padat, dan jelas tentang siapa kamu, hal berikutnya yang perlu kamu tulis adalah bagian penutup untuk meyakinkan penyeleksi bahwa kamu layak untuk mendapatkan beasiswa tersebut.


Bagian ini sering disebut sebagai closing statement. Tujukkan rasa percaya dirimu pada bagian ini. Namun, pastikan enggak terlalu berlebihan juga, ya.

Tips Penulisan Motivation Letter untuk Daftar Beasiswa

Setelah mengetahui contoh, pentingnya, dan struktur motlet, mengetahui tips penulisannya juga tak kalah penting. 


Mau tahu apa aja tipsnya? Yuk, simak!


  • Ikuti Panduan – Mulai dari format, panjang kata, hingga apa saja yang harus dijelaskan dalam motlet. Kalau beasiswa incaranmu tak memiliki format khusus, tulislah sekitar setengah hingga satu halaman teks dengan font dasar 12, seperti Times New Roman atau Arial;
  • Gunakan Bahasa Yang Mudah Dipahami – Setelah draft motlet telah dibuat, cek lagi kata-kata atau istilah yang digunakan. Jika ada kata yang terlalu rumit saat melakukan proofreading, gantilah dengan kata-kata yang lebih sederhana sehingga lebih mudah dipahami;
  • Fokus Pada Kelebihan – Yap! Ceritakan tentang kelebihanmu, bukan tantangan atau keterbatasanmu jika tak diminta. Menulis tentang kelebihan membantu penerima surat motivasi memahami value kamu bagi sebagai calon Awardee.

Itulah beberapa contoh, pentingnya, isi, serta tips penulisan motlet. Sekarang sudah tahu, dong, apa saja yang harus kamu perhatikan sebelum menulis? Yuk, langsung praktikan sekarang!


Kalau sudah, jangan lupa proofread kembali motlet yang telah kamu buat supaya makin menarik dan dilirik penyeleksi beasiswa, ya. Semangat!

Daftar Isi

Daftar Isi

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