Essay sebagai syarat aplikasi beasiswa adalah salah satu kunci utama untuk membuka pintu study abroad di luar negeri.Â
Melalui essay ini, kamu bisa menunjukkan potensi, motivasi, dan keunikanmu kepada pihak penyeleksi beasiswa.Â
Nah, biar essay-mu enggak pasaran dan bisa bikin kamu dilirik, yuk simak 7 contoh essay beasiswa luar negeri yang bisa kamu jadikan inspirasi!
7 Contoh Essay Beasiswa Luar Negeri Buat Kamu Yang Lagi Butuh Inspirasi!
Kalau udah mumet, rasanya kata-kata di pikiran enggak mau keluar, ya, SoB? Jangan khawatir, biar enggak stuck, kamu bisa lihat contoh essay beasiswa luar negeri ini untuk dijadikan inspirasi!
1. Essay Stipendium Hungaricum
Dear Admission Committee,
I am writing this letter to apply for a master’s in electrical engineering at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) in Hungary. Related to my background, I accomplished my bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from X University in 2020 with a CGPA of 3.95 out of 4.0.
From a very young age, I have been playing with and repairing broken electrical and electronic objects at a scrap dealer’s shop right in front of my home, which generated interest in me to learn more about these devices. The best part of my undergrad was group projects. Being a group leader, I have always sought to put an innovative approach to engineering challenges and have received either funding or awards and have published papers on them.
My project for the final year was based on the Smart Grid (SG) and Demand Side Load Management (DSM). I aimed to have a load-shedding alternative, a critical challenge for many developing nations, including mine, Nigeria. I have successfully built an intelligent energy meter hardware model that can optimize electricity consumption to reduce peak demand and prevent overload situations that can cause load shedding or power blackout. This project was awarded government funding.
In addition to Power Systems as a fundamental specialty and Smart Systems Integrations as a secondary specialization, my master’s degree in electrical engineering at BME will boost not only my skill set but also my potential to understand challenges, think abstractly, see the broader picture, and flourish my ability to build strategies to make a power system smart. This program would allow me to explore further smart grids and methods for designing intelligent networks that could make the power sector more efficient and resilient.
After completing my master’s degree and returning full of skills and expertise, I would join the National Transmission and Dispatch Company (NTDC), a government-based entity that operates 500 and 220-kV transmission and grid stations. This would be the perfect way for me to use my skills and expertise acquired from abroad to pull my country out of the energy crisis.
I want to conclude that I am excited to learn new experiences, strengthen my skills, and expand my knowledge of the world’s power structure, and I am confident that learning electrical engineering at BME would lead to my career growth in the best possible way. Thank you very much for considering my application.
Sumber: Kobi Education
2. Essay Chevening
The demand of my profession… led me to start making business networks… When I was an active member at the XXX,… I obtained new knowledge about developing social business.. Furthermore, I was able to learn about social entrepreneurship from the experts…. Additionally, I am able to communicate indirectly to 10,000 alumni from this scholarship. Another benefit of my networking experience comes from the Danone Scholarship… Thanks to my excellent job…, my network in Danone eventually offered me to become a Supervisor…
Apart from the scholarship network, I have participated in some business organizations such as XXX…. I was able to meet some entrepreneurs who are experts in their respective fields…
Furthermore, I also have a close relationship with Argabayu…
In my hometown, I have a good relationship with the local people and the local government… My family’s social organization is funded partly from these relations…
To sum up, I will be more than glad to participate in any kind of events in collaboration with other Chevening Alumni…
Sumber: Mirza Idham Saifuddin
Gimana, SoB, udah lebih kebayang belum gimana cara nulis esai beasiswa Chevening supaya standout?
Baca Juga Artikel Ini: Info Terlengkap dan Terupdate Beasiswa Chevening di 2024-2025!
3. Essay LPDP
Having worked in the education field, most recently at the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia for over 6 years, I seek to leverage the knowledge and perspectives gained to pursue a master’s degree in education policy at the University of Pennsylvania’s Graduate School of Education with the LPDP Scholarship. My core belief is that every student has the right to equal opportunity in inclusive education. Thus, the knowledge and degree I will acquire through my Penn GSE education will aid me in addressing two areas of inequality in the Indonesian education sector: access (geographic remoteness) and gender.
Finally, I believe I will be an excellent fit for the LPDP scholarship because LPDP shares my belief: education must advance equity, inclusion, and belonging for those not systematically privileged by our society. Having been involved in shaping a landmark policy in the Indonesian education system, I am convinced that we need to establish a more vital link and bridge the gap between theory and practice. The LPDP Scholarship undoubtedly offers the ideal program to advance my pursuit of higher education, enabling me to develop the necessary tools and skills to bridge that gap and formulate policies that better serve the needs of the people.
I witnessed for myself that there was a massive gap in education quality and access between students in a rural area of Papua named Keerom and those in the Indonesian capital city, Jakarta. Apart from the geographical element, susceptibility to violence is also an inhibiting factor for the lack of education quality and access. When I was in Keerom to socialize the dangers of bullying for students and teachers, I found much of their cluelessness about acts of violence that are considered typical and barred to talk about.
Then, I aim to contribute to gender equality in the education sector, a deep-rooted and challenging issue in Indonesia’s patriarchal society. One of my involvements with this issue was in 2020 when I was assigned to take part in the design and launch of the Ministry’s Regulation on the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence in Higher Education (MOE Regulation 30/2021). Based on the Ministry’s 2020 survey, 77% of Indonesian professors believed sexual violence had previously occurred on campus. Still, only 37% felt safe reporting it to their campus authority. This policy is a significant breakthrough because it has not only established a system for redress on campuses for the first time but also opened public conversations about sexual offenses in higher education that have long been taboo in Indonesian society.
Sumber: Irine R. Cuang
4. Essay Manaaki New Zealand Scholarship
New Zealand, a country renowned for its breathtaking landscapes, innovative spirit, and commitment to sustainable development, has always captivated my imagination. As an aspiring [Bidang studi kamu], I am deeply drawn to the Manaaki New Zealand Scholarship, recognizing it as a transformative opportunity to pursue my academic aspirations and contribute meaningfully to the global community.
My academic journey has been fueled by an unwavering passion for [Bidang studi kamu]. Through my undergraduate studies in [Jurusan kamu], I have developed a strong foundation in [Sebutkan keterampilan dan pengetahuan relevan]. I am particularly interested in exploring the intersection of [Sebutkan area spesifik dalam bidang studi kamu] and [Sebutkan area lain yang relevan], an area where New Zealand’s universities are at the forefront of research and innovation.
The Manaaki New Zealand Scholarship would empower me to pursue a [Jenjang studi yang Anda inginkan] in [Program studi spesifik] at [Universitas pilihan kamu]. I am particularly drawn to this program because of its [Sebutkan alasan spesifik mengapa program ini menarik bagi kamu, misalnya fokus penelitian, fakultas terkemuka, atau pendekatan interdisipliner]. I am confident that this program will equip me with the advanced knowledge, skills, and networks necessary to excel in my chosen field.
Upon completing my studies, I envision myself returning to [Negara asal kamu] to [Sebutkan tujuan karier spesifik kamu]. I am committed to leveraging my expertise to address the pressing challenges facing my country, such as [Sebutkan beberapa tantangan]. I believe that the knowledge and perspectives gained in New Zealand will enable me to contribute to sustainable solutions and drive positive change in my community.
Nah, itu dia contoh essay beasiswa luar negeri, khusus untuk Manaaki New Zealand Scholarship! Kamu lagi proses persiapan study abroad ke New Zealand, persiapanmu udah sampai mana, nih, SoB
Tenang, kalau perlu bimbingan lebih lanjut untuk siapin dokumen, termasuk esai, kamu bisa dibantu lewat Mentoring Super Intensive S2 New Zealand!
Selain dapat bimbingan dan proofreading esai, kamu juga bakal ditemenin dari mulai proses pilih kampus, cek syarat pendaftaran, sampai akhirnya resmi daftar S2 ke universitas tujuan!
Yuk, dapetin full support dari expert Mentor Kobi buat kejar persiapan S2 ke New Zealand!
5. Essay Australia Awards Scholarship
Viruses are a significant health problem both in Indonesia and the world. HIV-AIDS, COVID-19, MERS, and SARS are infectious diseases that have shocked the world’s health system. Handling of infectious diseases caused by viruses must compete with the speed of virus mutation as well as the virus resistance to the existing antiretrovirals.
This phenomenon requires scientists in the field of drug discovery to find drug compounds that actively inhibit virus replication from both natural and synthetic materials. As a lecturer and researcher, I plan to pursue my doctoral education in pharmaceutical science specified in drug discovery for infectious diseases from natural products. I want to conduct research on the discovery of anti-Human Immunodeficiency Virus (anti-HIV) drugs from marine natural products. My research will deliver crude natural products from the oceans to a laboratory scale which will then help to cure people living with HIV.
Griffith University has a special department called the Griffith Institute for Drug Discovery (GRIDD). There is a field of infectious disease research that is in line with my scientific concern. In addition, Griffith also has a Nature Bank which stores rich biodiversity collections, including products of marine nature, allowing me to be closer to my goal of becoming an expert in the field of drug discovery from products of marine nature. The University of Queensland has a Molecular Biodiscovery research group in which there is a research area on the development of new drugs for infectious diseases. In this research group, there are also several professors who are concerned with the development of drugs from marine natural products. Both GRIDD and UQ provide world-class laboratory facilities for conducting research. Doing research at GRIDD and UQ, as well as getting supervision from potential professors, will hone my knowledge and skills in drug discovery from marine natural products for infectious diseases.
After years of studying overseas, I will gain deeper knowledge, improved skills, and wider connections. The knowledge, skills, and connections will be very impactful for my students, institution, and organizations. For my short-term plan, I will return to teach and inspire my students with my experiences during my studies and conduct research on anti-HIV drugs from marine natural products. For my medium-term plan, I will continue to collaborate with my supervisors and other researchers in Australia as a step to generate a database on anti-HIV from marine natural products. This database will be very beneficial for the development of anti-HIV drugs. For my long-term plan, I will establish the Department of Drug Discovery from Marine Natural Products at my college. This Department will be the spearhead for developing marine natural medicines in West Nusa Tenggara. I will collaborate with various agencies that focus on developing marine natural medicines such as the National Research and Innovation Agency and also the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia.
Sumber: Alvi Kusuma Wardani
Baca Juga Artikel Ini: 10 Tips Beasiswa AAS Buat Kamu Yang Mau Daftar di 2025!
6. Essay Global Korea Scholarship (GKS)
Aged 16, the gripping awe in my heart every time I saw outfits of character Cheon Song Yi (played by actress Jun Ji-hyun) in K-Drama You Who Came From the Stars opened my mind to the progressive world of the Korean fashion scene. Over the last 7 years, my discoveries of other such dramas, music videos & Seoul Fashion Week shaped my youth greatly. Every art/creative aspirant has a muse that influences them, and I found relativity and my muse in Korean media’s reliance on conceptual styling plus their unique approach to clothes. It showed me how experimentation & infusion of cultures found in those aesthetics can have a tremendous impact globally. But they also have very sophisticated and minimal styles used in daily lives.
My motivation for aspiring to study in Korea is an amalgamation of many events such as the news of fashion/art being highlighted by the Korean government as the next “soft powers” and government-based global fashion programs like Concept Korea that is hosted by KOCCA (Korea Creative Content Agency) to showcase new designers every year in New York Fashion Week. I read how Korea has the most suitable environment for emerging clothing brands owing to its rising number of young designers, perfect infrastructure to sustain large textile industries, celebrity culture for marketing, ample training opportunities, fastest internet pace, etc. Their universities offer the correct balance between theory, practical, and active college life. Also, Seoul ranks among the Top 3 cities in a recent survey by Statista – QS Best International Student Cities 2022.
Sumber: Exhibit E
Gimana, SoB? GKS buka di awal tahun, lho. Kamu salah satu yang mengincar beasiswa bergengsi ini juga buat S1 di Korea?
Atau masih bingung mau daftar beasiswa lainnya dan belum tahu peluang apa aja yang tersedia?
For your information, kamu bisa, lihat list beasiswa selain GKS di Buku S1 Kobi, lho! Selain itu ada juga panduan cara cari kampus dan jurusan, cara nulis esai, dan bahkan tips langsung dari para Awardee.
Lengkap banget, kan? Yuk, check out bukunya sekarang biar makin siap study abroad di 2025!
7. Essay Fulbright Scholarship
Living in a patriarchal society where I am being told on a daily basis that women are not supposed to pursue higher education, in fact encouraged me to continue my studies and prove to myself that I am worthy and equal.
In 2006, the chance to study abroad to the U.S. through YES (Youth Exchange and Study) program also expanded my perspectives and beliefs that English is an international means of communication.
During my undergraduate studies, I applied knowledge and skills I earned in the classroom into something practical.
A year later, I graduated as a valedictorian in my department and returned to teach English in my Islamic boarding school.
In 2017, I was granted the Fulbright FLTA to teach Indonesian language at Columbia University, New York.
Looking backward at the challenges that I encountered during my six-year teaching experience, I realized that I need to continue my studies to elevate my own knowledge and skills in English Language Teaching to give more impact and contribution to Indonesians.
Upon the completion of my study, I plan to work as a lecturer at my alma mater, the English Department, University of Airlangga, and to enlarge the TOEFL ITP community by providing English online courses.
Sumber: Adibah
Belajar Dari Contoh Essay Beasiswa Luar Negeri Biar Esaimu Makin Standout!
Proses menulis essay itu memang enggak mudah. Mulai dari brainstorming ide, menyusun outline, hingga eksekusi narasi yang harus memastikan kamu standout di antara kandidat lainnya.
Salah satu cara yang bisa membantumu adalah dengan melihat contoh essay beasiswa luar negeri dari para Awardee.
Dengan begitu, kamu bisa mempelajari bagaimana mereka mengemas cerita, menonjolkan kelebihan, dan menunjukkan potensi mereka sesuai dengan kriteria beasiswa yang diincar.
Baca Juga Artikel Ini: 9 Syarat Beasiswa LPDP S2 Luar Negeri 2025, Yuk Simak Infonya!
Improve Skill Bahasa Inggris dan Boost Skor IELTS Bareng Kobi di 2025!
Biasanya, tahun baru selalu bawa motivasi yang enggak ada tandingannya. Dari sekian banyak resolusi yang udah kamu catat, kira-kira fokus persiapan study abroad jadi salah satunya, enggak, nih?
Harusnya sih iya, SoB! Soalnya, awal tahun itu banyak banget beasiswa yang mulai buka pendaftaran, termasuk LPDP, beasiswa bergengsi yang selalu jadi incaran banyak orang.
Ngomong-ngomong soal fokus, kalau kamu juga mau fokus boost skor IELTS 1-on-1 bareng expert Tutor, bisa ikut IELTS Private Class Kobi!
Selain jadwal belajarnya fleksibel banget, mau pagi, siang, malam, weekdays, ataupun weekend, semua bisa kamu atur sesuai kebutuhan dan kesibukanmu.
Plus, kamu juga bakal dapat fasilitas yang bikin belajar makin maksimal, seperti:
- Penyesuaian materi sesuai dengan kebutuhan;
- Personalized feedback yang fokus buat improve kemampuanmu;
- 2x IELTS Prediction Tests, jadi kamu bisa lebih yakin buat ambil Tes Official IELTS.
Yuk, mulai 2025-mu dengan belajar IELTS bareng Kobi!
Happy New Years dan semangat kejar beasiswa impianmu, SoBi!